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SG101 1865 1/- Green, pl. 4. Emblems wmk.


SG101 1865 1s. Green Pl.4 (IG). Wmk. Emblems. Fine used cancelled by the scarce JERSEY “409” numeral.


SG101Wi 1865 1/- Green pl. 4, CK. INVERTED WMK. A good used example of this scarce variety.


SG103 1871 3d. Rose (SC – TD). Wmk. Spray.


SG103 1872 3d. Rose Pl.9 (HA). Wmk. Spray. Inspectors Handstamp. Fine example.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve pl. 8, GF. Without hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Entire sent from Jersey to Portugal.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (GC). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Lovely deep shade on entire sent from LIVERPOOL to UDDEVALLA, SWEDEN “Via Hull”


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (HC). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Envelope from LIVERPOOL to MAINE, USA…


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (HK). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Stampless envelope sent from NASHVILLE, USA to LIVERPOOL …


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (SI). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale Red-brown Pl.1 (SB). Wmk. Spray. BLUE Foreign Transit Handstamp.


SG117 – 1871 1s. Green (NC). Wmk. Spray.


SG117 1865 1s. Green. Pl.4.(DH). Wmk. Spray. London to Turks Islands


SG117 1871 1s. Green (SB). Wmk. Spray.


SG117 1871 1s. Green Pl.6 (SB). Wmk. Spray. Superb used cancelled by a LEISTON c.d.s.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut (OK). Wmk. Spray. Fine used cancelled by the “322” GRAVESEND numeral.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (NG – NH). Wmk. Spray. Superb used right wing marginal pair.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut Pl.11 (AD). Wmk. Spray. Very fine used right wing marginal.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut Pl.11 (DI). Wmk. Spray.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut Pl.11 (NA – NB). Wmk. Spray. Superb used horizontal pair.


SG122var 1872 6d. Very Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (OI). Wmk. Spray. Left wing marginal on small neat, uncreased envelope sent from LONDON to FLORENCE…


SG123 1872 6d. Pale Buff (GL). Wmk. Spray. Good used cancelled by the “79” Chief Office handstamp… Cat £300.


SG123 1872 6d. Pale Buff (JG). Wmk. Spray. Good used cancelled by “S.W/38” handstamp… Cat. £300.


SG123 1872 6d. Pale Buff Pl.11 (HI). Wmk. Spray. Used in ST. THOMAS.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey Pl.12 (FK – GK). Wmk. Spray. Vertical pair paying the 1s. rate introduced in 1870…


SG125 1873 6d. Grey Pl.12 (LA – LB). Wmk. Spray. VALPARAISO Handstamp. Fine pair with a superb crisp strike of the Chilean c.d.s.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey Pl.12 (QC). Wmk. Spray. GIBRALTAR Handstamp.


SG128 1878 10s Greenish-Grey Pl.1 (AA). Wmk. Maltese Cross. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG133 1882 £5 Orange Pl.1 (BE). Wmk. Anchor. Blued Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG141 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (AL). Wmk. Orb. Broken Perf Pin Variety.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy Mauve (GB). Wmk. Orb. Fresh unused o.g. example… Cat. £500.


SG141 1879 2½d. Rosy Mauve (PL). Wmk. Orb. Wrapper from BIRMINGHAM to MADRID.


SG141 1879 2½d. Rosy Mauve Pl.16 (BA). Wmk. Orb. Used Abroad. Wrapper sent from GIBRALTAR to MALTA…


SG141Wi 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (FF). Wmk. Orb Inverted.


SG141Wi 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (GB). Wmk. Orb Inverted.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue (HJ – HK). Wmk. Orb. Pair on envelope from BRIGHTON to SIMLA, INDIA “Via Brindisi”
