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SG125 1873 6d. Grey Pl.12 (FK – GK). Wmk. Spray. Vertical pair paying the 1s. rate introduced in 1870…


SG141 1877 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 7, vertical pair, York to New Hampshire, USA.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue (KL – LL). Wmk. Orb. Vertical pair affixed sideways to envelope sent from LONDON to SHANGHAI.


SG147 1876 6d. Grey (PC – QC). Wmk. Spray. Vertical pair on entire from MANCHESTER “via Southampton” to MONTE VIDEO, URUGUAY.


SG163 1881 1/- Orange-brown, plate 13, CL-EL. Vertical strip used with 855 Telegraphic Railway numeral of Ludgate Hill.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown (RB). Fabulous misplacement of vertical and horizontal perforations…


SG2 1840 1d. plate 4, PF – “short vertical stroke attached to foot of P”, a fine used example.


SG213 1900 ½d. Blue-green “Jubilee”. Used Abroad – GIBRALTAR. Vertical pair plus Gibraltar 1d. Rose-red on uncreased mourning envelope sent to TWICKENHAM…


SG217 1904 ½d. Pale Yellowish Green. D.L.R. Vertical pair affixed sideways to “SRATT’S – MIXED BIRD SEED” advertising envelope.


SG218 KEVII 1/2d. D.L.R Post Card from London to Paris. Vertical pair (fault on one) used on PPC of Regent Street.


SG29 1855 1d. Red-brown (BA). Misplacement of both vertical and horizontal perforations…


SG327 – 1911 1d. Carmine-red. Die 1A. Wmk Crown. ‘Vertical scratch at right’


SG338 & SG341 1912 ½d. Deep Green and 1d. Bright Scarlet. Die 2. Wmk Crown. Vertical coil join pairs.


SG345 1912 1d. Scarlet. Die 2. No Cross on Crown. Top stamp in a very fine o.g. vertical pair. Spec. N12e.


SG352 1913 ½d. Bright-green. Royal Cypher. “POSTAGE” Watermark. Very fine unmounted o.g. vertical strip of six with selvedge at top.


SG357 1912 1d. Bright-scarlet. Royal Cypher. Unused o.g. (lower stamp u/m) vertical pair with a full off-set on the lower stamp and ¾ on the top.


SG3995 1913 1s. Bistre. Vertical strip of four on reverse of “Telephone Service” bill, along with 3d. & 6d.


SG419Wi 1924 1d. Scarlet. Watermark Block Cypher Inverted. Unmounted o.g. vertical pair overprinted “CANCELLED” and punched Type 33p…


SG43 1869 1d. Rose-red Pl.127 (PE – QE). Very fine used vertical pair cancelled by neat SNODLAND c.d.s’s for SP. 21. 72.


SG434Wi 1929 ½d. Green. Postal Union Congress. Watermark Inverted. Fine o.g. (3 u/m) vertical block of six from the sheet printing.


SG444 1935 3d. Violet. “Photogravure”. PAPER JOIN. Very fine unused o.g. vertical strip of three


SG470 1939 6d. Purple. Coil Join. Vertical pair… listed but unpriced by SG. Spec. Q22a.


SG470 1939 6d. Purple. Coil Join. Vertical strip of four with central join.


SG48 1870 ½d. Rose-red Pl.6 (QN – RN). Vertical pair tied to piece by a delightful SUNDERLAND duplex for DE. 2. 76.


SG48 1871 1/2d. Rose-red pl. 8, vertical pair, KO – LO. Neat Arbroath duplex dated JU.23.71 to Paisley. Scarce plate.


SG48 1876 1/2d. Rose-red, plate 13, OO – PO. Vertical pair on a printed notice to the Inspector of the Poor.


SG48 1879 1/2d. Rose-red, plate 20, NQ-OQ. Vertical pair on small piece.


SG491/ 492 1946 Peace. 2½d. & vertical pairs on Harrison & Sons Ltd. Presentation Card.


SG8 1848 1d. Red-brown, pl. 80, FA-GA. Used vertical pair with massive margins.


SGC7 1855 1d. Red-brown (QC – RC). Very fine used vertical pair


SGO17 1901 1/2d. Blue-green I.R OFFICIAL. Vertical pair placed sideways on O.H.M.S envelope.
