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SG152 1876 4d. Vermilion (QE – QF). “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG152 1876 4d. Vermilion, plate 15, DL. Fine used on piece, “C51” numeral of St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. Nice colour.


SG152 1876 4d. Vermilion, plate 15, EJ. Fine used, A25 numeral of Malta. Nice colour.


SG166 1880 1d. Vermilion red, DH, on very neat cover, Torquay to Ashburton.


SG166, 172, 197 & 213. 1880 1d. Venetian Red, KK. 1881 1d. Lilac. Die II, 1887 1/2d. Vermilion and 1900 1/2d. Blue-green Jubilee.


SG172 & SG197 1881 1d. Lilac (x4) and 1887 1/2d. Vermilion Jubilee. Registered “Eastern Telegraphic Company” envelope, addressed to Paris and redirected.


SG172 1891 Cork cancels on 2x 1d. lilac’s, plus ½d. vermilion, by Book Post.


SG197 & 200/1 1887 ½d. Vermilion, 2d. Grey-green & Carmine and 2½d. Purple on Blue “Jubilee”.


SG197 & 201 1887 ½d. Vermilion and 2½d. Purple on Blue “Jubilee”. Used to uprate ½d. Brown stationery wrapper sent from LONDON to BERLIN…


SG197 – 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”.


SG197 – 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”. German Stationery card.


SG197 1887 1/2d. Vermilion Jubilee. Used on entire from Leith to Norway.


SG197 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee” Perfined “GHF & CO”. Used to uprate a ½d. Brown stationery wrapper (also with the perfin) sent from LIVERPOOL to BUENOS AIRES…


SG197 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”. Control “C” for “O” Variety. Part o.g. with some adherence…


SG197 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”. Perfined “HMOW”.


SG197 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”. Used to uprate ½d. Brown stationery wrapper sent underpaid from LONDON to BELGIUM…


SG197 1887 ½d. Vermilion “Jubilee”. Used to uprate ½d. Brown stationery wrapper sent underpaid from LONDON to SWITZERLAND…


SG197 1891 1/2d. Postcard uprated with 1/2d. Vermilion, London DE.1.81.


SG197 1891 1d. Lilac and 1.2d. Vermilion on cover to Bavaria, cancelled with Hoster and hooded circle cancels.


SG197 1897 1/2d. Vermilion on postcard, Weston Super Mare to Tiverton.


SG197 1898 1/2d. Vermilion pair on cover from Ipswich to Halifax, Nova Scotia.


SG197/98 1887 ½d. Vermilion and 1½d. Dull Purple and Pale Green “Jubilee”. Used to uprate 2½d. Grey Stationery envelope sent by Registered mail from LEEDS to ODESSA, RUSSIA.


SG197var 1887 ½d. Vermilion Jubilee, Advertising underprint “Pear’s Soap” in blue.


SG197var 1887 ½d. Vermilion Jubilee, Advertising underprint “Pear’s Soap” in blue. An unmounted, original gum example.


sg2 1840 1d. Black Pl. 2 QI, orange vermilion maltese cross.


SG43 & 94 1864 1d. Rose-red Pl.91 (CJ – DJ) and 1867 4d. Vermilion Pl.9 (EB). Wmk. Large Garter. AZEMAR Letter. Entire sent from LONDON to Wilhelm Ree, HAMBURG “Via Ostend”…


SG43, SG94 & SG143 1871 1d. Rose-red, plate 145, BC, 1872 4d. Vermilion, plate 13, FG & 1873 3d. Rose, plate 12, AD.


SG47 2d. Deep Blue Pl.13 (GH), SG94 1869 4d. Vermilion Pl.11 (RB) and SG103 1868 3d. Rose Pl.5 (LI).


SG93 1865 4d. Dull Vermilion (IH). Wmk Large Garter.


SG93 1865 4d. Dull Vermilion (QD). Wmk Large Garter. PLATE PROOF.


SG93 1865 4d. Pale Vermilion, pl. 12, NK. Very fine cds used, Shooters Hill.


SG93 1865 4d. Vermilion, plate 14, CD. Crisp Halesworth cds for JY. 23. 1875.


SG93 1866 4d. Dull Vermilion Pl.8 (JK). Wmk. Large Garter. FRENCH Handstamp. Very fine used cancelled solely by the ST MALO “3734” numeral…


SG93 1870 4d. Dull Vermilion Pl.12 (FB). Used Abroad – MALTA. Superb used cancelled by a lovely crisp part c.d.s. Extremely fine overseas use.


SG93 1870 4d. Dull vermilion, plate 12, MA. Very fine cds of Malta, dated SP.9.72.


SG93 1873 4d. Dull Vermilion (CA). Wmk Large Garter. Unused o.g. with fresh delicate colour. Cat. £775.
