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SG157, 167 & 172 1880-81 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 22, SJ. 1 1/2d. Venetian red and 1d. Lilac.


SG160 1881 5d. rate to Calcutta, 4d. plate 17 + 1d. Venetian (holed), dated MR.4.81.


SG164 & SG166 1880 ½d. Green and 1d. Venetian red, QF & QG. Used on neat wrapper from Llanelly, Wales to France.


SG166 & SG48 1880 1d. Venetian red, EJ – DI, plus 1/2d. plate 15, making the 2 1/2d. rate to France.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian Red (AG). IMPRIMATUR.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian Red (JH). BLUE Handstamp. Used on 2d. Blue embossed stationery envelope sent from TORQUAY to PLYMOUTH.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian Red (OL). “Registered” envelope sent locally in LIVERPOOL…


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red on printed HULL AND EAST RIDING ANTI INCOME TAX ASSOCIATION envelope.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red, AD. Marginal imprimatur from plate 5. Very lightly mounted mint, o.g.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red, fancy cork cancels on two pairs, plus 3 singles.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red, QC. Envelope from Sweden to London with 20 Ore orange.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian Red. (AD). Imprimatur. Fresh o.g.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red. Used on envelope (top flap missing) from London to York and redirected to Leeds.


SG166 1880 2d. Registered envelope with 1d. Venetian, neatly cancelled by the MARGATE 506 duplex.


SG166, 172, 197 & 213. 1880 1d. Venetian Red, KK. 1881 1d. Lilac. Die II, 1887 1/2d. Vermilion and 1900 1/2d. Blue-green Jubilee.


SG167 – 1880 1½d. Venetian Red.


SG167 1880 1½d. Venetian Red. Inspector’s Handstamp. Fine strike of the eight sectioned voided oval…


SG167 1880 1½d. Venetian Red. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Superb unmounted o.g. block of nine. Spec. K4s – Cat. £720+.


SG167, 169 & 172 1880 1½d. Venetian Red, 1881 5d. Indigo and 1d. Lilac. Die II.
