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SG126 – 1867 5s. Rose. Die Proof.


SG128 1878 10s Greenish-Grey Pl.1 (AA). Wmk. Maltese Cross. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG128 1878 10s. Greenish-grey (AA). Wmk Maltese Cross.


SG129 1878 £1 Blue Pl.1 (FJ). High quality reproduction printed on thin gummed perforated card… source unknown! Most unusual.


SG129 1878 £1 Deep Claret Pl.1 (EA). Double Print. “Used” reproduction printed on thin paper watermarked with a large Crown…


SG129 1878 £1 Deep Claret Pl.1 (EA). Tete-beche Pair. “Used” reproduction printed on thin paper watermarked with a large Crown…


SG130 – 1882 5s. Rose. Pl.4. Wmk Anchor. Blued Paper. FIRST DAY HANDSTAMP.


SG133 1882 £5 Orange Pl.1 (BE). Wmk. Anchor. Blued Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG178 – 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac. (AA). White Paper. Lightly mounted example, part o.g. Cat £600.


SG178 / SG183 1883/ 84 Telegraphic use of 2/6d. – 10s. set of 3, with nice colours.


SG178 1883/ 84 2/6d. Lilac, AG. Superb u/m marginal example.


SG178 1883/ 84 2/6d. Lilac, JA.


SG178 1883/ 84 2/6d. Lilac, LC. Very fine used example, part-registered cancel.


SG178 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (BE). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Fine o.g. example…


SG178 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (DC). White Paper.


SG178 1902 2/6d. Lilac, AC on piece with 2x 1/- Ed VII. Apparently used as receipt stamps.


SG178, 180 & 183 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (GE), 5s. Rose (EC) and 10s. Ultramarine (MC). “SPECIMEN” Type 11.


SG178, 201 & 207a 1894 2/6d. Lilac & 7x 2 1/2d + 5d., all prefined “BNZ” on part envelope front.


SG180 1884 5/- Rose, AF, very fine used, Manchester Telegraphs cancel for MY.10.89.


SG180 1884 5/- Rose, EF. Fine used, Central Telegraph Office cds, dated MR.9.92.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose (DA). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 11.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose (JA). White Paper. Fine used, light crease, cancelled by a crisp WEST PIER – BRIGHTON c.d.s. for NO. 27. 88. Rare cancellation.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose, LC. White paper. LANGHAM PLACE HOTEL cds for OC.1.90. Scarce London cancellation.


SG180 1891 5/- Rose pair, BG-BH, cancelled by the scarce Dublin sub office cds – SIR JOHN ROGERSON’S QUAY.


SG181 1884 5s. Crimson (CF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 11. Very fine unused o.g. example with fresh colour. Spec. K12t – Cat. £450.


SG182 – 1884 10s. Cobalt. White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG183 – 1884 10s. Ultramarine (BD). White Paper.


SG183 1883 10/- Ultramarine, FD. Superb Accrington cds for NO.15.01.


SG183 1884 10s. Ultramarine (JF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Part o.g. example… fresh colour. Spec. K14s – Cat. £425.


SG183a 1883/ 84 10/- Pale Ultramarine, CE. Central Telegraph Office for JU.19.97.


SG211 1887 Jubilee values to 1/- green, block of 4, cancelled with L1 Late fee duplex of Threadneedle Street.


SG40, SG79/ 80 1863 Carmarthen Registered cover to Bath.


SG478b 1942 Parcel label with block of 6 10/- ultra on one side, plus 5/- and lower values on printed paper tag going abroad.


SGL201 1876/ 81 Telegraphs 1/2d. – 5/-. 12 values, used postally. Various condition but scarce.
