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1840 1d. Mulready envelope, forme 3 stereo 162, used locally in Birmingham. Simply addressed to “The Law Bailiff”. Very unusual.


1840 1d. Mulready with a BROWN maltese cross, “Jell’s General & Commercial Envelope” advert within.


1840 1d. Mulready wrapper, used on LAST SUNDAY, MY.31.40. Bradford to Edinburgh.


1840 1d. Mulready wrapper, used, Whimple to Thornbury via Bristol.


1842 1d. Pink envelope. Neat Edinburgh mc, used locally. Clean and fresh.


1844 1d. Pink Envelope (Huggins EP3b). Used from ROSS to CASTLECOMER and cancelled by the very rare and distinctive straight sided ROSS MALTESE CROSS in black.


1847 The Post Magazine used in Liverpool.


1856 (12 Sp) 1d. Pink, used to Plymouth, LATE WATCHET MX use – rare late use.


1877 1/2d. Post card. Used locally in London and cancelled by a superb crisp red thimble cds.


1884 1d. Orange cheque / receipt stamp used on cover, Staplehurst to Chatham.


1895 Revenue. £1 violet and black CIVIL SERVICE overprint. Superb used on small part form


1895 £1 “CIVIL SERVICE”. Used handstamped “CANCELLED – C.S.C.” Very fine.


1900 British Levant 1d. reply paid post card, used from Salonica to France.


1900 Envelope used locally in London with a Gibraltar 1d. Rose, not allowed for Postage.


1902 British Stamped wrapper used in Constantinople.


1903 1d. Carmine postcard, used from Constantinople to London.


1903 Stationery. 1d. used Levant. The Edward VII Post Card Issues 1902 – 1912.


1904 1d. Carmine Foreign post card used from Salonica to Greece, dated 10.3.04.


1904 1d. Carmine post card, used from Constantinople to Hilwan, Egypt.


1904 1d. Carmine postcard used from Constantinople to London.


1904 Admiralty Official Type I overprint (long M) on 1/2d. postcard, used from New Brompton.


1905 1d. Orange – cheque/ receipts stamp used on cover, Chelsea to Linden Gardens, London.


1906 1d. Embossed Revenue used to supplement a 2 1/2d. Postal Stationery cut out. The correct rate was 3d.


1914 1d. Orange. Cheque/ receipt stamp irregularly used at Malvern on 15/2/14 and surcharged.


1914 Stamp Duty 2/- Blue and red brown of Antigua, used to Hackney and cancelled King William Street cds.


1917 KGV 9d. Brown cut from a Telegraph form used to pay for a parcel on tag.


1921 1d. Orange, cheque/ receipt stamps x2, used on local Newbury cover dated 8th March 1921.


1956 Underpaid commercial cover used locally in Walsall with 1d. Postage due.


C.1882 Head die proof as used for the large head QV sample or dummy stamps.


Canada 1906 1c. Blue-green. Superb used on a wonderfully decorative U.P.U. Post Card with a religious theme and the music to “Ave Maria”…


KEVII 1d. & 2½d. used in ASCENSION Island… strip of three and a pair with c.d.s. cancellations for 1911 and 1912 respectively. Scarce.


Post Office Numbers: The Distinguishing numbers given to Post Offices 1844 to 1906 and the Stamps in which they were used, in the British Isles and in Overseas Agencies of the British Post Office by George Brumell.


SG101 1865 1s. Green Pl.4 (IG). Wmk. Emblems. Fine used cancelled by the scarce JERSEY “409” numeral.


SG101b 1865 1/- Green, plate 4, DK. Watermark Emblems. Very fine used on thick paper.


SG101Wi 1865 1/- Green pl. 4, CK. INVERTED WMK. A good used example of this scarce variety.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.8 (MI). Superb used left hand wing marginal cancelled by a light YARMOUTH c.d.s. for AU. 23. 72.
