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1900 COMPULSORY REGISTRATION- letter from the USA to Cumberland.


C.1895 Advertising 1/2d. Brown wrapper to USA neatly cancelled with the “C” NPB cancels.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (HK). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Stampless envelope sent from NASHVILLE, USA to LIVERPOOL …


SG157 1884 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 22 on v. fine advertising cover. London to MY, USA via Queenstown.


SG169 1883 5d. Indigo on cover to Maine, USA, tied by London E. C duplex for JA.12.83.


SG218 1908 PPC of Big Ben etc sent London to USA with 2c. postage due on arrival.


SG218 1908 PPC of London with 1/2d. to USA with 2c postage due on arrival. Attractive.


SG219 1905 1d. Scarlet used to redirect a postcard from USA to London then to Austria.


SG45 1866 Liverpool to USA with 2d. plate 9, plus 4d. plate 7, making 1/- rate. Entire sent per Steamer via Queenstown.


SG66 1859 Newcastle upon Tyne to Providence, R. I. USA, via Liverpool and New York.


SG69/ 71 1857 Neat envelope from USA, pre-paid in cash to Liverpool, then re-directed on arrival with a 1/- deep green plus 6d. deep lilac, to Florance, Italy.


SG89 1864 Dublin Registered cover, neat dispatch cds for JY.22.64, to USA via Boston.
