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1840 1d. Mulready envelope, forme 3 stereo 162, used locally in Birmingham. Simply addressed to “The Law Bailiff”. Very unusual.


1884 1/- Deep Brown, a complete sheet of the NTC Ltd. Unmounted. Attractive and unusual.


1884 1/- NTC Ltd. A complete sheetlet of 12. Unmounted original gum. Attractive and unusual.


1901 1/2d. Green, wrapper to Bishops Stortford perfined DLR – de la Rue – the official stamp printers. Unusual.


1937 Cerebos salt advertising envelopes. Unusual.


c.1900 “INTERNATIONAL STAMPING MACHINE Co. LTD”. FIXO coil machine testing label strip of four… unmounted o.g. Unusual.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, pl. 4, SH. Superb part Telegraphic cancel (Scotland). Nice colour and unusual.


SG129 1878 £1 Blue Pl.1 (FJ). High quality reproduction printed on thin gummed perforated card… source unknown! Most unusual.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (IA). Fine used cancelled by an inspectors mauve fancy “cork handstamp”. Most unusual.


SG172 1883 1d. Lilac on cover, Leicester to Hornsea (Yorks), neatly cancelled with the 5 bar killer. Unusual.


SG188 1883/ 84 1 1/2d. Lilac – B row blind perfs. – Fine used and unusual.


SG210 1887 10d. Jubilee, corner example, u/m showing a good shift of the crown wmk & centrally the marginal wmk line – very unusual.


SG213 1900 ½d. Blue-green “Jubilee”. RED Handstamp. Superb used cancelled by a delightful red “648” ROCHDALE numeral. Most unusual.


SG218 1909 ½d. on novelty tag from Margate to London, dated SP.6.09. Unusual.


SG219 1905 1d. on novelty concertina bee on a flower. Unusual.


SG395 1913 1s. Bistre. Royal Cypher. Large white blob at base over “SH” of “SHILLING”. Stamp unmounted. Unusual.


SG40 1857 1d. Perforation varieties x6 on two pages, showing a fine selection. Unusual.


SG419 1924 1d. Scarlet. Block Cypher. Misplaced Perforations. Very fine unmounted o.g. Unusual.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red. Intaglio Star Handstamp. News Paper Branch cancellation or Inspectors mark… most unusual.


SG43 1873 1d. Rose-red Pl.167 (MA). Inspector’s crosshatch cancellation. Most unusual.


SG43 1876 1d. Rose-red Pl.191 (SC). Barred Parcel Handstamp. Unusual.


SG449 1935 1/- Photo “blurred beard”. Sound used example. Unusual.


SG450 1934 2/6d. Reddish brown. Re-engraved, lightly hinged in a deep shade, due to over-inking. Unusual.


SG455var 1935 Silver Jubilee 1 1/2 “ink splodge” across two stamps in a corner block of 8, very unusual.


SG486var 1941 1d. Pale Scarlet Paper Join in marginal block of 4. Unusual.


SG66 1855 Watermark large garter, marginal “block” of eight on gummed paper. Unusual.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown, pl. 31, HB. On small piece cancelled with a very distinctive watery black mc. Unusual.


SG97 1865 6d. Lilac, plate 5, LB. Fine used, nice BLUE duplex cancel. Unusual.


SGD64 1960 1s. Ochre. Wmk. St. Edwards Crown Sideways. Fine unmounted o.g. bottom marginal with heavy over-inking… giving an “Intense” type impression. Unusual.
