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1911/ 12 Post Office Savings Bank 1/- blue and red-brown. Lightly mounted mint examples of the two heads.


1929 PUC 1/2d. Coil Leader, code W. Bottom end delivery with two stamps attached. Rare.


Foreign Bill Stamps: Two envelopes one with 1d. and the other with 3d. stamps affixed sent locally in STATHAM.


SG141 1879 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 16. Two examples up-rating 1d. Pink, from Southport to Ceylon.


SG142 1881 2 1/2d. Blue plate 20, double rate cover with two examples, LIVERPOOL to BROOKLYN, NY.


SG164, SG165 & SG172a 1882 June & August. Two fine, uncreased entires, London to Paris.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian red, fancy cork cancels on two pairs, plus 3 singles.


SG17/ 42 1836/ 60 Bristol, two superb strikes, “Misdirected to Bristol” and “Missent to Bristol”.


SG172 1881 1d. Lilac. Die II. Mourning envelope sent from Pimlico to South Kensington Museum, cancelled by two crisp JA.3.82 cds’s.


SG201 1892 Registered envelope uprated with two 2 1/2d, London to Bavaria.


SG216 1902 ½d. Blue-green. D.L.R. Two examples on envelope to GATESHEAD along with Puerto Rico ½m. and Costa Rico ½r.


SG219 1921 Indian p/s envelope with two EDVII 1d.’s.


SG285var 1911 Harrison p.15 x 14 3d. Dull reddish purple on lemon. Super lightly mounted – on top two only.


SG327 1911 Red envelope sent to Paris with two 1d. Downeys & 1/2d. Edward VII.


SG339a 1912 1/2d. Green Die 2 watermark Crown, “No Cross on Crown”, two examples…


SG34 1855 2d. Blue, plate 5, AI-AJ pair with two excellent PD cancels in red. A truely stunning pair with excellent colours!


SG346 1912 ½d. Green. Die 2. Wmk Multiple Cypher. Green on buff coil leader with two stamps attached plus coil end with two stamps attached. Rare. Spec. N6.


SG357Wi var 1912/ 22 1d. Scarlet booklet pane, Inverted Watermark, plus the two marginal stamps showing “OST” of “POSTAGE WMK”.


SG364 1912 1½d. Chestnut. Royal Cypher. Exceptionally fine bottom two rows with full margins and control “L 18”


SG40 1857 1d. Perforation varieties x6 on two pages, showing a fine selection. Unusual.


SG419var 1924 1d. Deep scarlet vermilion. Booklet pane. Inverted watermark, lightly hinged on two of this scarce shade.


SG420d 1924 1½d. Advert pane no. 73. Very fine, o.g, lightly mounted mint o.g on two stamps only.


SG420dw 1924 1½d. Red-brown. Watermark Block Cypher Inverted. Booklet Pane. Four stamps plus two printed labels.


SG420dw 1924 1½d. Red-brown. Watermark Block Cypher Inverted. Booklet Pane. Four stamps plus two printed labels.


SG420dw 1924 1½d. Red-brown. Watermark Block Cypher Inverted. Booklet Pane. Four stamps plus two printed labels.


SG43 + SG48 1879 1/2d. plate 11 and 1d. plate 187 making 1 1/2d. rate of up to two ounces weight.


SG43 1867 1d. Rose-red pl. 91, two singles cancelled by a single 852 numeral of Welshpool – contrary to regulations.


SG43 1868 1d. Rose-red, plate 108, BD. Very fine used, cancelled by two strikes of the London cds.


SG43 1870 1d. Plate number on cover to Folkingham, showing two ladies, one with a parasol, the other with a bright orange hat!


SG43 1870 1d. Rose-red, plate 137, HE. Exceptionally fine used, cancelled by two parts Birmingham cds.


SG43 1871 1d. Rose-red Pl.149 (NB). Dramatic used example cancelled solely by two bright red strikes of “PD” in circle.


SG436Wi 1929 PUC 1 1/2d. INVERTED WMK “L29” control strip of 3 from plate 1, lightly mounted on two, matched with upright strip.


SG440 – 1935 1d. Scarlet. Black on Red Coil Leader with two stamps attached.


SG441 1934 1½d. Red-brown. “Photogravure”. Norris Correspondence. Hand illustrated envelope depicting two cartoon characters having a boxing match one of them standing on a “TATE SUGAR” box.


SG441 1934 1½d. Red-brown. “Photogravure”. Norris Correspondence. Hand illustrated envelope depicting two people on a cliff top looking out to sea on a windy day inscribed “Poor Ma-Maa”


SG441 1934 1½d. Red-brown. “Photogravure”. Norris Correspondence. Hand illustrated envelope with an Easter theme, depicting two “Egghead” men with walking sticks…
