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1878 Postal Stationery 1/2d. brown Post Card. “RLB” in oval, possibly a trial cancel. Unaddressed.


1880 Tender Essays. Perkins Bacon Surface Printed Essays Engraved by W Ridgeway. Cut-down Die Proof/Colour Trial for the 1½d. value printed in Red-brown and mounted on card. Rare.


1906 De La Rue, marginal trial in lime green, gummed, unwatermarked paper.


1911 Harrison Coil trial showing Coat of Arms in deep red- brown. Ex booklet pane of 6. Scarce.


1911 Harrison Coil trial showing Coat of Arms in pale blue, violet and deep brown. Dummy.


1928 – 1950 Royal Mint. “British Museum Date Stamp” – Trial Die.


1931 Royal Mint Trial Plate – Dummy stamp. Block of 12.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9 QI-QJ, Truro Crown trial cancel – attractive and quite scarce; corner bend on QI not detracting (EHD).


SG152 1876 4d. Chestnut, plate 15, AI. Imperforate colour trial, overprinted Specimen, type 8.


SG152 1876 4d. Light shade, TI. Plate 15, imperforate colour trial, overprinted SPECIMEN type 8.


SG152 1876 4d. Lilac Pl.15 (AE). Imperforate Colour Trial – “SPECIMEN” Type 8.


SG152 1876 4d. Pale olive-bistre, AB. Plate 15. Imperforate colour trial overprinted SPECIMEN type 11.


SG152 1876 4d. Pale olive-bistre, BB, plate 15. Imperforate colour trial, overprinted SPECIMEN type 11.


SG152 1876 4d. Pale red-brown, plate 15, AF. Imperforate colour trial, overprinted Specimen type 8.


SG152 1876 4d. Turquoise-blue, plate 15. Imperforate colour trial o’ptd SPECIMEN type 8.


SG156 1876 8d. Brown orange Imperf. Colour trial, diagonally overprinted SPECIMEN Type 11.


SG156 1876 8d. Brown orange, CL. Imperforate colour trial, overprinted Specimen type 11.


SG156 1876 8d. Pale Orange-yellow (AK). MPERFORATE COLOUR TRIAL


SG165 1880/ 81 ½d. Pale green. “B01” trial cancel by DLR in preparing documents of 17.Oct.1884.


SG190 1884 2 1/2d. Purple on Blue COLOUR TRIAL without watermark. Perf 14 WITHOUT CORNER LETTERS- the extremely rare, if not unique example, unused without gum.


SG190 1884 2½d. Purple on Blue (AT). Colour Trial “Jubilee” Issue. Printed on gummed paper without watermark…


SG218/ 321 1911 ½d. Colour trial in green. Printed at SH for comparative purposes with the new Georgian colours – superb!


SG341 1912 1d. Die 2 Paper trial, imperf. Marginal block of 12, on un-gummed, un-watermarked paper from B. 11 control.


SG387 1913 7d. Trial by Miller and Motley, using their Printex machine.


SG387/ 389 1913 7d. Trial by Miller and Motley, using their Printex machine.


SG387/ 3891913 7d. Trial by Miller and Motley, using their Printex machine.


SG390 1913 8d. Trial by Miller and Motley, using their Printex machine.


SG390 1913 8d. Trial by Miller and Motley, using their Printex machine.


SG403var 1912/ 13 £1 Yellowish green, deep shade. Overprinted CANCELLED type 24. A colour trial on Joynosn paper.


SG421var 1924 coil trial ex sheet of 192 discovered in the 1980’s – 2d sideways watermark, overprinted SPECIMEN type 23.


SG441var 1934 Photogravure Colour Trial 1½d. Deep Ultramarine pair, mounted mint, original gum.


SG441var 1934 Photogravure Colour trial 1½d. Scarlet pair, mounted mint, original gum, on gummed, watermarked paper.


SG441var 1934 Photogravure Colour Trial 1½d. Ultramarine pair, mounted mint, original gum on gummed, watermarked paper.


SG441var 1934 Photogravure Trial with approved head, pair in dull lilac. Unmounted, original gum on unwatermarked paper.


SG441var 1934 Photogravure Trial with approved head, pair in royal blue, on ordinary, unwatermarked paper, with gum.


SG441var 1935 1 1/2d. (Large Format) red-brown, colour trial over printed CANCELLED type 33, unmounted o.g.
