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“SG62” c.1860 Rose. Souvenir envelope and enclosure which opens out into the shape of a Rose with illustrations of European places of worship and interest to the tourist (both sides).


1840 2d. Mulready envelope, a202, London to Bath, underpaid with circular “More to Pay” and m/s “4” (double the defficiency of 2d).


1842 1d. Pink envelope to Chipping Norton, crisply cancelled with the CLITHEROE maltese cross.


1843 1d. Mulready letter sheet A236, Advert for ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. sent from London to the Isle of Wight, then re-directed to Reading.


1843 1d. Pink envelope to Ludlow, sent from Knighton (udc on reverse) with a fine, clean mc cancelling the pink.


1843 1d. Pink stationery envelope, small size, sent from Dublin to Wexford


1843 1d. Pink Stationery envelope. London No.7 in maltese cross. Good strike of the mc on cover to Sir Thomas Phillipps of Worcester.


1844 1d. Pink Envelope (Huggins EP3b). Used from ROSS to CASTLECOMER and cancelled by the very rare and distinctive straight sided ROSS MALTESE CROSS in black.


1845 1d. Pink envelope, 905 numeral of Wolverhampton to Cheltenham, with a superb strike of the rare “Missent To/ Railway Post Office” in black.


1846 1d. pink sent from BRISTOL to CHELTENHAM, Registered at the 1s. rate, paid in cash.


1847 The Post Magazine used in Liverpool.


1848 1d. Pink envelope to St. John’s Wood, neatly cancelled by the 61 numeral in oval of bars of Willesden.


1849 1d. Pink sent from HADLEIGH, neatly cancelled with the BLUE 328 numeral.


1855 Envelope sent from Portsmouth to Cork without postage… cancelled by the sideways 625 duplex for DE.4.1855.


1855 unpaid cover sent to Early, Reading. Charged just 3d. postage due, not double the deficiency?


1861 De La Rue. “EXPERIMENTAL POSTAGE – THREE PENCE” Essay with the head of King Pedro V of Portugal defaced by a cross.


1878/ 80 De La Rue, Progressive head die, 1879 with front of a neck outlined further below the chin.


1879 Tender Essays for the 1d. Value. Perkins Bacon Submission. Single example taken from a horizontal strip of six from the sheetlet of 36…


1879 Tender Essays – McCorquodale Submission for the 1d. Value – Engraved by Hooper.


1879 Tender Essays – McCorquodale Submission for the 1d. Value – Engraved by Hooper. 1894 Lithographic re-production “Die Proof”


1879 Tender Essays – McCorquodale Submission for the 1d. Value. Small dummy stamp printed in claret on thin white paper.


1879 Tender Essays – Perkins Bacon Submission for the 1d. Value.


1879 Tender Essays – Perkins Bacon Submission for the 1d. Value.


1880 Tender Essays. Perkins Bacon Surface Printed Essays Engraved by W Ridgeway. Cut-down Die Proof/Colour Trial for the 1½d. value printed in Red-brown and mounted on card. Rare.


1883 De La Rue Schemes. The new Small Head Die Proof.


1884 1/- Deep Brown, a complete sheet of the NTC Ltd. Unmounted. Attractive and unusual.


1885 ½d. Brown wrapper advertising the “GLOUCESTER JOURNAL” sent from GLOUCESTER to DUNSLEY (Staffs) cancelled by a crisp July 1885 c.d.s.


1891 1/2d. Brown post card, unaddressed with excellent strike of the German Exhibition B.O S.W.


1900 1d. Brown wrapper from W. H. Smith to the Straits Settlements, redirected with Jahore 1c green to Sumatra.


1900 COMPULSORY REGISTRATION- letter from the USA to Cumberland.


1901 1/2d. Green, wrapper to Bishops Stortford perfined DLR – de la Rue – the official stamp printers. Unusual.


1903 Stationery. 1d. used Levant. The Edward VII Post Card Issues 1902 – 1912.


1906 1d. Embossed Revenue used to supplement a 2 1/2d. Postal Stationery cut out. The correct rate was 3d.


1907 POST CARD – Depicting “Queenie Leighton” (British music hall star of the Edwardian era). The postage being paid by a Victorian ½d. Green stationery cut-out… prohibited up until 1905.


1911 2/- Florin. An uncirculated examle showing the coinage head.


1911 Junior Philatelic Society envelope to New York, USA.
