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1875 Telegraph Large size head die proof in black on white glazed card. Endorsed , “Before Hardening”.


1917 KGV 9d. Brown cut from a Telegraph form used to pay for a parcel on tag.


c.1875 Telegraph unadopted head die proof, AP.29.75. Before Heardening in black on glazed white card. Cat. £1800.


Revenue I Railway & Telegraph Stamps by Robson Lowe Ltd


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 7, JI – JK. Fine used strip, Birmingham Telegraph Office cds’s.


SG103 1871 3d. Rose Pl.7 (CA). TELEGRAPH “1082” Handstamp. Excellent bold strike of the PLYMOUTH cancellation.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, MH. Very fine used, “British & Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co”.


SG117 1871 1/- Green, plate 6, HD. Neat Birmingham Telegraph Office cds for OC.25.72.


SG117 1871 1/- Green, plate 6, TL. Fine used, Birmingham Telegraph Office cds, for MY.3.72.


SG117 1871 1s. Green Pl.6 (SI). Telegraph “No.1B” Handstamp.


SG118 1867 2/- Dull blue, FD, sound used, “British & Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.” segmented concentric rings cancel.


SG118 1867 2/- Dull blue, OJ, fine used, “British & Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.” segmented concentric rings cancel.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut. Pl.11. Wmk Spray.(SD). Railway Telegraph Station Cancellation.


SG126 1867 5/- Rose, plate 1, BE. Fine used, “British & Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.”


SG127 1867 5/- Pale rose, plate 1, AF. Fine used, “British & Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co.”


SG163 1881 1s. Orange-brown Pl.14 (RI). Telegraph “270” Handstamp. Fabulous strike of the WINCHBURGH Telegraphic cancellation…


SG17/ 42 1863 Electric Telegraph Co. envelope printed in red, unusually franked with a 1d. Star.


SG172 1893 1d. Lilac plus 6d. Jubilee, both originally on the same piece, cancelled by the rare Carlisle Fort, Military Telegraph cds’s


SG180 1884 5/- Rose, EF. Fine used, Central Telegraph Office cds, dated MR.9.92.


SG183a 1883/ 84 10/- Pale Ultramarine, CE. Central Telegraph Office for JU.19.97.


SG196 1884 1s. Dull Green (QJ). Telegraph “185” Handstamp. Good light strike in violet ink of the LONGNIDDRY cancellation.


SG219 1907 6d. Cut out from a Telegraph form with 1d. on a registered cover.


SG385 1915 6d. on Post Office Telegraph form, cancelled PERSHORE, WORCESTER.


SG413a/ 415 1928/ 29 2/ 6d. BW block of 6 on small part piece of Application to attend Examination for Certificate of Proficiency as a wireless Telegraph Operator on Board British Ships.


SG416 c. 1925 5/- BW printing – broken visor flaw indicating a late printing – on part Wireless Telegraph form.


SG416 c.1925 5/- BW Seahorse – broken visor flaw indicating a late printing – on part Wireless Telegraph form.


SG416/ 417 c.1924/ 25 5/- & 10/- Bradbury Wilkinson on part Form of Application for permission to attend Examination for certificate of Proficiency as a wireless Telegraph operator on Board British Ships.


SG417 c.1926/ 30 10/- Dull blue Bradbury Wilkinson printing on small part Application to Attend Examination for Certificate of Proficiency as a Wireless Telegraph Operator on Board British Ships.


SG418 & SG428 1924 ½d. Green and 10d. Turquoise-blue. Watermark Block Cypher, on printed “Empiradio” Telegraph envelope.


SG43 1871 1d. plate no on advertising cover, Bradford Daily Telegraph to the Secretary of the Great Northern Railway, Kings Cross Station.


SG43 1873 1d. Rose red, plate 157, KA-LC. Fine used block of 6, Southampton Head Telegraph Office.


SGL 1890 3d. Telegraph plate 1, perfined GP + Co., Grace Produce Co., from Bethnal Green to Canada. Rare “official” use of aTelegrapgh stamp.


SGL201 1881 1/2d. Orange, plate 5. Telegraph accepted for postage on postcard, Brighton to M. P. Castle, former President of the RPS, 1913 – 1917.


SGL201 c.1875 Telegraph, small head die proof in lilac on glazed white card. Head, uncleared, within large lilac circle. Unlisted SG in this colour.


SGL202 + SG172 1884 1d. Telegraph plate 1 in combination with 1d. Lilac on local London envelope, top left corner trimmed. A nice combination of postage and telegraph stamps.


SGL202 1880 Post Office Telegraph receipt for a Telegraph message to Berlin.
