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1856 2d. Mulready lettersheet a97, VERY LATE USE! Addressed to Camdonagh, centrally cancelled with an English type Derry Spoon (2nd type).


1857 Unpaid envelope with contents, to Toronto, cancelled by a Type B8 spoon of Liverpool, dated OC.9.1857.


1858 1d. Pink envelope with contents, sent underpaid from Burton on Trent to Durham.


Birmingham Letter Carrier Handstamp. Three different examples.


MANCHESTER Spoon Handstamp. Stampless entire ordering Champagne addressed to RHEIMS paid “8d” in cash for the ¼oz. rate but no stamps were affixed…


SG107 1869 6d. Bright violet, plate 6 on mourning cover to Bohemia, paying the 1/2oz rate.


SG17 1856 1d. Pink envelope, uprated with 1d. red-brown, LCp14, JD, neatly cancelled with the PRESTON sideways duplex.


SG17 1858 Stoke on Trent Spoon on unpaid cover to NY, dated MY.18.58. Superb “Br. Packet Boston” and postage due to the US of 19 cents.


SG17/ 42 1855 Irish Spoons, black and green of Cork.


SG17/ 42 1856 1d. Red-brown on long cover to Birmingham, cancelled with a Shrewsbury spoon, dated 6th Sept 1856.


SG17/ 42 1857 Liverpool spoon, type B8, code R, cancelling 4x 1d. stars on entire, written in French, to Montpellier, France.


SG172 1885 1d. Lilac on local London cover cancelled with a few Hoster machine cancel, dated MR.30.85.


SG21 1855 1d. Red-brown Pl.1 (FE). Die II. SC. P.16. BIRMINGHAM Spoon Handstamp.


SG21 1857 1d. Red-brown SC16 pl. 14 (KJ).


SG24 1855 1d. Red-brown (NF) plate 3. Die II. SC. P.14.


SG26var. 1854 Sideways Duplex Error. Devonport 620.


SG29 1855 1d. Red-brown (LI) Die II. LC. P.14. Spec C8.Used on entire from Darlington to London.


SG29 1855 1d. Red-brown (QH). Die II. LC. P.14. BRISTOL Spoon Cancellation.


SG29 1855 1d. Red-brown Pl.32 (NF) and Pl.36 (KA). Die II. LC. P.14. wrapper from GATESHEAD to LONDON.


SG29 1855 1d. Red-brown Pl.34 (LG). Die II. LC. P.14. BIRMINGHAM Spoon Cancellation.


SG29 1856 1d. Red-brown, NI, on cover to Sheffield. Neatly cancelled with a Birmingham spoon in blue.


SG29/ 33 1856 1d. Star, red-brown, OA. Plate 43, cancelled by a Wolverhampton 905 Spoon.


SG33 1857 1d. Orange-brown. Die II. LC. P.14. Spec C8. Manchester Sideways Duplex


SG34 1855 2d. Blue Pl.5 (FI). LC. P.14. Very neat entire sent from MANCHESTER to Hoare & Co. Brewers, LONDON…


SG34 1855 2d. Blue Pl.5. LC. P.14. Small envelope sent from SHREWSBURY to HAMPSHIRE cancelled by the “708” Type A (Arundal) spoon duplex for 24. DE. 1856.


SG34 1855 Dublin Irish Spoons, cancelling strip of 4 2d. blues (end stamp damaged) to Kingston, Canada.


SG34 1857 2d, Blue, PK-PL, p14, plate 5 pair paying 2 oz rate to Sheffield. York spoon (original), dated JU.2.57.


SG34 1857 2d. Blue plate 5, p.14 on printed Church notice, superbly cancelled with the Chester spoon.


SG34 1857 2d. Blue plate 5, p.14 on printed Church notice, superbly cancelled with the Chester spoon.


SG36 1857 1d. Rose-red, plate 45, MJ. Provisional use of p.16 gauge, LC. Very fine used on nice dated piece.


SG38/ 41 1859 1d. Rose-red, RJ on neat re-directed cover from Oswestry to Ellesmere, then Shrewsbury.


SG38/ 41var 1857 1d. Transitional issue, pale rose, IL. Plate 36 on cover to Sileby, Leicester.


SG40 1856 1d Star (LD). Super hand illustrated clock.


SG40 1857 1d. Pale rose, plate 27, TA. Die II. LC. P.14. Transitional issue, yellowish to cream paper. Liverpool Spoon cancel.


SG40 1857 1d. Rose-red (EL). Die II. LC. P.14.


SG40 1858 1d. red-brown LC14, plate 34 on neat envelope to Leicester.
