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1840 1d. Mulready letter sheet stereo A5 PERTH maltese cross.


1840 1d. Mulready with a BROWN maltese cross, “Jell’s General & Commercial Envelope” advert within.


1843 1d. Mulready A6, lettersheet ADVERT MA435b for Samuel Hanson.


1843 1d. Mulready letter sheet A236, Advert for ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. sent from London to the Isle of Wight, then re-directed to Reading.


1900 COMPULSORY REGISTRATION- letter from the USA to Cumberland.


1911 1d. Carmine Post Office Letter Card. “CANCELLED” Type 24.


1918 1½d. Brown Post Office Letter Card. “SPECIMEN” Type 26.


Birmingham Letter Carrier Handstamp. Three different examples.


c.1887 1d. Pink Embossed cover. “THE HALF-PENNY LETTER POST COMPANY, LIMITED”.


SG138 – 1875 2½d. Rosy Mauve (NB). Wmk Anchor. Blued paper. Fine used.


SG138 1875 2½d Rosy mauve, plate 1, AA, on lightly blued paper.


SG139 1867 2 1/2d. Rosy Mauve, plate 3, EI. Protective underprint, fine used.


SG141 – 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (PB). Wmk Orb.


SG141 1876 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 12, PD. A fresh original gum example.


SG141 1876 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 3, GH, (orb watermark). Very fine Greenock cds.


SG141 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (AL). Wmk. Orb. Broken Perf Pin Variety.


SG141 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve.Pl.14 (GI). Wmk Orb. Very fine unused o.g. example, well centred, fresh colour


SG141 1877 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 8, PB (orb watermark). Superb, lightly hinged example, showing plate number.


SG141 1878 2 1/2d. Rosy Mauve, plate 10 on beautifully printed – in blue – envelope, depicting a Chinese person standing on a teapot.


SG141 1878 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 11 pair, HH-HI paying double letter rate.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy Mauve (GB). Wmk. Orb. Fresh unused o.g. example… Cat. £500.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy Mauve (LH). Wmk Orb.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy Mauve Pl.13 (BE). Fine unused o.g. Cat. £525.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy mauve, plate 10, OK. Nice segmented cork type cancel.


SG141 1879 2 1/2d. Rosy Mauve, plate 14, IJ. Watermark. Orb. Unused, original gum example.


SG141 1879 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 14, JD. Very fine cds dated 13.AU.79.


SG141 1879 2½d. Rosy Mauve (HD). Wmk Orb.


SG141 1880 2½d. Pale blue, plate 15, MA. Watermark Orb, imperforate on gummed paper, watermark inverted.


SG141Wi 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (FF). Wmk. Orb Inverted.


SG141Wi 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve (GB). Wmk. Orb Inverted.


SG141Wi 1877 2½d. Rosy Mauve Pl.8 (EB). Watermark Orb Inverted. Superb used cancelled by part c.d.s. Very scarce so fine. Cat. £200.


SG142 1880 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 17. DA. SPECIMEN type 9. Superb u/m marginal.


SG142 1880 2 1/2d. Blue plate 17, wmk ORB, Specimen type 9.


SG142 1880 2 1/2d. Blue, plate 19, OE. Watermark orb. Very lightly mounted original gum example.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue (AE). Wmk Orb. FRENCH HANDSTAMP.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue Pl.17 (FD). Wmk. Orb. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.
