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1921 1d. Orange, cheque/ receipt stamps x2, used on local Newbury cover dated 8th March 1921.


1930/50 Proofs of the Royal Mint Coat of Arms


1931 Royal Mint Trial Plate – Dummy stamp. Block of 12.


1936 Birmingham Cricket Ground – proof impression in violet, dated 2.JY.36.


1941 3d pale violet COIL JOIN pair within a strip of 4.


1941 3d pale violet COIL-JOIN pair, very fine unmounted.


1947 Registered postcard (very unusual) with 2d. uprating 2d. stationery postcard. Sent to Rotherham.


1951 Colour Change. 1/2d pale orange COIL-JOIN pair in strip of 4, u/m.


1956 Underpaid commercial cover used locally in Walsall with 1d. Postage due.


Registered Stationery 5 1/2d. Brown. Kensal Rise to New York, dated 16.NO.45.


SG264 1902 5s. Deep bright carmine.


SG435 & SG466 1929 1d. Scarlet. Postal Union Congress & 1937 2½d. Ultramarine (x2), London to Eastwolds, South Africa


SG453 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/2d. Control W/35, cylinder 47, no dot, perf. 6 (I/P), u/m. Scarce.


SG454 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. Control W/35, cylinder 14 no dot, perf. 6 (I/P) u/m.


SG454 1935 Silver Jubilee 1d. Control W/35, cylinder 22 dot, perf. 6B (E/P), m/m.


SG459a 1936 1 1/2d. Advert pane no.11, G7 dot. Unmounted, B4A(I). Spec PB5(11).


SG459a 1936 Ad pane no.16, cyl. G7 dot. I perf. margin and good perfs.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.10, Inverted Watermark. Unmounted, original gum with good perfs.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.15, cyl. G7 no dot. Perf B4(E), lightly mounted mint and decent perfs.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.7, cyl. G7 dot, imperf. margin, lightly mounted mint.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.7, cylinder G7 no dot “E” perf. Decent perfs, lightly mounted mint.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.7, cylinder G7 no dot, E perf. margin and lightly mounted mint.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane no.7, unmounted, original gum with good perfs. Perf. margin.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane, no.10, lightly mounted mint, original gum, perf margin and fine perfs.


SG459a 1936 Advert pane, no.7, cylinder G7 dot. E perf. margin, lightly mounted mint o.g.


SG459a 1936 Ed. 8th 1 1/2d. Advert pane no.16, cyl. G7 dot and I perf. Unmounted original gum. RPS cert.


SG459aw 1936 1 1/2d. Advert pane No. 7. Inverted watermark, unmounted original gum. RPS cert.


SG459var 1937 KEVIII Accession Issue. 1 1/2d. Green Essay.


SG459var 1937 KEVIII Accession Issue. 1 1/2d. Scarlet Essay.


SG462ab 1937 1/2d. Green booklet pane of 4, selvedge at bottom. Lightly mounted mint and decent perfs.


SG463ab 1937 1d. Scarlet booklet pane of 4, selvedge at bottom. Lightly mounted mint and decent perfs.


SG463ab 1937 1d. Scarlet booklet pane of 4, selvedge at top. Lightly mounted mint and decent perfs. Spec QB11.


SG464cw 1937 1 1/2d. Red-brown pane, unmounted original gum with good perfs. “P” perf, inverted watermark.


SG465c 1940 2d. Orange. Very fine, unmounted booklet pane, cylinder H4, I perf. Good perfs and scarce cylinder.


SG466cw 1937 2 1/2d. Ultramarine INVERTED watermark pane. Unmounted, original gum and “P” perf. Good perfs.


SG467var 1938 3d. Violet, Coil join pair, unmounted, original gum. Scarce. Spec Q16g.
