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1843 2d. Mulready envelope a195, London No.1 in maltese cross, to Missenden with Amersham cds on front.


1846. Late use Mulready 1d. (A21), Southwold to Yarmouth; neat “838” numeral with Southwold Penny Post alongside and crisp receiving cds dated MY.20.1846.


1850 1d. Pink sent uncancelled from St. Columb, blue cds JY.31.1850.


1853 1d. Pink envelope to Exeter with very fine BLUE numeral of Woburn with matching dispatch cds on reverse.


1864 Admiralty cover, prepaid “Official Paid” red cds for 10.11.64 and superb DIRECTOR of TRANSPORT SERVICES cachet in blue.


1914 Stamp Duty 2/- Blue and red brown of Antigua, used to Hackney and cancelled King William Street cds.


1921 British Forces – Civil War in Ireland – Field Post Office W.16 cds cancelling 2d. stationery envelope, Dublin to Devon.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose pl. 6, CJ. Superb Torquay cds for OC.30.71. Attractive.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose pl. 8, MA – NB, neat Whitehaven cds’s for SP.19.72. Cat. £425.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose plate 8, LJ – LK pair with Preston cds’s, OC.9.72.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 10, TD. Very fine used, Gatehouse cds for JU.20.72. Rare plate.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 6, EA. Very fine used, Shepley cds for NO.3.71.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 7, JI – JK. Fine used strip, Birmingham Telegraph Office cds’s.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 8, KJ. Very fine used with Brewood, (Saffordshire) cds for JY.25.72.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose.Pl.8.(BA-CB).Wmk Spray. Crisp Downpatrick cds’s JY.16.72. Very fresh.


SG103 1870 3d. Rose pl. 6, RC. A fine cds example, dated SP.23.70. Attractive.


SG103 1870 3d. Rose, plate 6, EI – EJ pair. Neat Tralee cds’s FE.12.72.


SG103 1870 3d. Rose, plate 6, RH. Very fine cds example, London FE.27.71. Nice colour.


SG103 1872 3d. Rose, plate 8, RB-SC. Fine used (hinge reinforcement on reverse). Neat Emyvale cds’s.


SG103 1872 3d. Rose, plate 9, DF. Nice Irish cds of Fermoy, dated OC.11.72.


SG103 1873 3d. Rose, plate 10, HE. Superb used, Eastcheap cds for JY.5.73. Rare plate.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (SI). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9, FF. Very fine used, Manchester cds for OCT.27.71.


SG109 1870 6d. Violet, plate 9, HB. Superb used, neat VALPARISO cds cancel. Excellent colour.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, BG. Superb used, VALPARISO cds for Dec.15.1875.


SG110 1872 9d. Straw, SF, Curragh Camp cds for SE.24.72. Camp is located in Co. Kildare, Ireland – an Army camp.


SG111 1867 9d. Pale straw, LC. A superb cds example. Neat upright Bedale cancel. Attractive.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale red-brown, MB. Superb cds example, Valpariso cds for Mar.3.75.


SG114 1867 10d. Deep red-brown, EF, superb used. Huntingdon cds, excellent deep colour. A very tricky stamp!


SG117 1/- Green plate 6, JK – JL. Nice pair, crisp Sheffield cds’s for AU.3.72.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 6, HE. Superb used, neat Yarmouth cds for AU.1.72. Attractive.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 6, SB. Superb used. Nice red cds for MY.30.72. Attractive and rare!


SG117 1867 1/-Green, plate 5, JD, Mark Lane cds for May 1872.


SG117 1867 1s. Green.Pl.4.(IG).Wmk Spray. Superb used, cancelled by a cracking, upright DUNDEE cds for MR.11.69.


SG117 1871 1/- Green, plate 6, HD. Neat Birmingham Telegraph Office cds for OC.25.72.


SG117 1871 1/- Green, plate 6, TL. Fine used, Birmingham Telegraph Office cds, for MY.3.72.
