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1840 1d. Mulready envelope A145. Bakewell to Rye, cancelled with a pinkish-red maltese cross and matching despatch cds.


1840 1d. Mulready envelope A170. Bakewell to Langholm, cancelled contrary to regulations, missing Britannia.


1840 1d. Mulready wrapper, A69 cancelled with neat Orange maltese cross.


1840 One penny Mulready, cancelled with an orange red maltese cross, Liverpool to Harrogate.


1842 1d. Pink envelope to Chipping Norton, crisply cancelled with the CLITHEROE maltese cross.


1843 1d. Pink stationery envelope, small size, sent from Dublin to Wexford


1844 1d. Pink Envelope (Huggins EP3b). Used from ROSS to CASTLECOMER and cancelled by the very rare and distinctive straight sided ROSS MALTESE CROSS in black.


1848 1d. Pink envelope to St. John’s Wood, neatly cancelled by the 61 numeral in oval of bars of Willesden.


1848 1d. Pink envelope, Kingston Penny Post. handstamp on reverse, to Exeter. Cancelled with a black maltese cross.


1849 1d. Pink sent from HADLEIGH, neatly cancelled with the BLUE 328 numeral.


1849 Stationery 1d. Pink envelope to London, cancelled with a deep blue 784 numeral of Tenby.


1855 Envelope sent from Portsmouth to Cork without postage… cancelled by the sideways 625 duplex for DE.4.1855.


1856 2d. Mulready lettersheet a97, VERY LATE USE! Addressed to Camdonagh, centrally cancelled with an English type Derry Spoon (2nd type).


1857 Unpaid envelope with contents, to Toronto, cancelled by a Type B8 spoon of Liverpool, dated OC.9.1857.


1876 1/2d. Brown Post Card. Sent un-cancelled from Sheffield to London where it was cancelled with a fine red cds.


1877 1/2d. Post card. Used locally in London and cancelled by a superb crisp red thimble cds.


1885 ½d. Brown wrapper advertising the “GLOUCESTER JOURNAL” sent from GLOUCESTER to DUNSLEY (Staffs) cancelled by a crisp July 1885 c.d.s.


1901 1d. Pink envelope, sent Registered from Berlin to London and cancelled upon arrival, 28.JY.01.


1911 Junior Philatelic Society envelope to New York, USA.


1914 Stamp Duty 2/- Blue and red brown of Antigua, used to Hackney and cancelled King William Street cds.


c.1890 ½d. Brown Wrapper. Sent from LONDON to DRESDEN… cancelled by the negative triangular “SW” “bag seal” handstamp. Rare item.


C.1895 Advertising 1/2d. Brown wrapper to USA neatly cancelled with the “C” NPB cancels.


SG101 1865 1s. Green Pl.4 (IG). Wmk. Emblems. Fine used cancelled by the scarce JERSEY “409” numeral.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.8 (MI). Superb used left hand wing marginal cancelled by a light YARMOUTH c.d.s. for AU. 23. 72.


SG103 1868 3d. Rose Pl.5 (LB). Used on envelope addressed to BLOIS and solely cancelled by the “3734” ST MALO dotted lozenge with red transit alongside…


SG103 1871 Double rate entire to Genoa, with 3d. plate 6 x2, plus 1d. plate 119 x2, neatly cancelled with A25 duplex.


SG103 1872 5d. rate to Sweden, via Steamer by Hull with 3d. pl. 9 and 2d. pl. 14 cancelled with London duplex.


SG104 & SG45 1867 6d. Lilac, plate 6 and 2d. Blue, plate 9, both cancelled by the 4 bar Manchester 498 duplex.


SG111 1867 9d. Pale Straw (OI). Fine used wing marginal cancelled by the “409” duplex of JERSEY.


SG112 & 47 1867 10d. Red-brown Pl.1 (SA – SB) and 1871 2d. Deep Blue Pl.14 (AH). Used on small piece cancelled by VALPARAISO duplex’s for OC. 3. 77.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale Red-brown Pl.1 (RK). Delightful used example cancelled by part numeral leaving a clear profile. Cat. £400.


SG117 1867 1s. Green.Pl.4.(IG).Wmk Spray. Superb used, cancelled by a cracking, upright DUNDEE cds for MR.11.69.


SG117 1871 1s. Green Pl.6 (SB). Wmk. Spray. Superb used cancelled by a LEISTON c.d.s.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut (OK). Wmk. Spray. Fine used cancelled by the “322” GRAVESEND numeral.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (TC). Superb used cancelled by part c.d.s. for SP. 12. 72. Cat. £125+.


SG123 1872 6d. Pale Buff (GL). Wmk. Spray. Good used cancelled by the “79” Chief Office handstamp… Cat £300.
