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“SG62” c.1860 Rose. Souvenir envelope and enclosure which opens out into the shape of a Rose with illustrations of European places of worship and interest to the tourist (both sides).


1840 1d. Mulready envelope A170. Bakewell to Langholm, cancelled contrary to regulations, missing Britannia.


1840 1d. Mulready wrapper, A69 cancelled with neat Orange maltese cross.


1841 1d. Mulready lettersheet A34, London to Morpeth, dated AP.21.1841. M/s “Paid 1d. more” postage due.


1843 1d. Pink. DUBLIN Maltese Cross.


1845 1d. Pink envelope, 905 numeral of Wolverhampton to Cheltenham, with a superb strike of the rare “Missent To/ Railway Post Office” in black.


1848 Charles Whiting Beaufort House Congreve Essay.


1857 Large Garter Watermark Paper – Gummed.


1863 POSTAL NOTICE.- CAUTION about valuable enclosures sent in unregistered letters…


1871 Azemar Experimental Cancellation. 1d. pink entire to Kilwinning, with a superb strike of this scarce cancel.


1879 Tender Essay – McCorquodale & Co. Plate Proof. Large Design Dummy Stamp Engraved by Hooper.


1879 Tender Essay – McCorquodale & Co. Plate Proof. Large Design Dummy Stamp Engraved by Hooper.


1879 Tender Essay – McCorquodale & Co. Plate Proof. Large Design Dummy Stamp Engraved by Hooper.


1879 Tender Essays – McCorquodale Submission for the 1d. Value – Engraved by Hooper.


1879 Tender Essays – McCorquodale Submission for the 1d. Value – Engraved by Hooper. 1894 Lithographic re-production “Die Proof”


1880 Tender Essays. Perkins Bacon Surface Printed Essays Engraved by W Ridgeway. Cut-down Die Proof/Colour Trial for the 1½d. value printed in Red-brown and mounted on card. Rare.


1884 De La Rue embossing trials for security printing – three superb die proofs.


1902 Napoleon Head 1d ‘Anti Boer War’ Essay.


1908 Junior Philatelic Society Envelope. Proof printed in black on thin white glazed card.


1911/ 12 Post Office Savings Bank 1/- blue and red-brown. Lightly mounted mint examples of the two heads.


1912 1d. Blue “Ideal Stamp”. Letterpress printed by Waterlow Bros. & Leyton at the 1912 Jubilee International Exhibition using their Wharfedale machine…


1912 1d. Blue “Ideal Stamp”. Letterpress printed by Waterlow Bros. & Leyton at the 1912 Jubilee International Exhibition using their Wharfedale machine…


1912 1d. Violet “Ideal Stamp”. Letterpress printed by Waterlow Bros. & Leyton at the 1912 Jubilee International Exhibition using their Wharfedale machine.


c. 1911/ 12 KGV Colour Essays of HM in the uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet.


c.1887 1d. Pink Embossed cover. “THE HALF-PENNY LETTER POST COMPANY, LIMITED”.


c.1900 De La Rue Dummy head Britainnia design in red on very thin paper, with solid shading to profile.


c.1900 De La Rue Dummy head Britannia design in pale blue on pelure paper with solid shading to profile.


c.1911 De La Rue, large format Britannia head dummy stamp in miniature sheetlet of 6, in green and red., without shading around the head.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.8 (MI). Superb used left hand wing marginal cancelled by a light YARMOUTH c.d.s. for AU. 23. 72.


SG103 1868 3d. Rose Pl.5 (LB). Used on envelope addressed to BLOIS and solely cancelled by the “3734” ST MALO dotted lozenge with red transit alongside…


SG109 – 1869 6d. Mauve (SL). Wmk Spray.Advertising envelope for the “FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY”.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (CH). Without Hyphen. Superb fancy “zig-zag” cancel.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (HK). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Stampless envelope sent from NASHVILLE, USA to LIVERPOOL …


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9, GE. Fresh, lightly hinged example.


SG109 1870 6d. Violet, plate 9, HB. Superb used, neat VALPARISO cds cancel. Excellent colour.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, BG. Superb used, VALPARISO cds for Dec.15.1875.
