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1840 Gold Printed “Ladies” Envelope. Wonderful “miniature” envelope sent from GREENWICH to LINCOLN’S INN…


1875 Telegraph Large size head die proof in black on white glazed card. Endorsed , “Before Hardening”.


1879 Tender Essay – Charles Skipper & East.


1879 Tender Essay. Perkins Bacon 1/2d. Green.


1881 F23 1d Imprimatur. Plate 143.


1883 De La Rue Schemes. The new Small Head Die Proof.


1884 National Telephone Company Ltd 1d. Grey black sheetlet of 12, unmounted.


1891 De La Rue Dummy stamp head die proof, dated 13.Mar.91 and endorsed “Before Hardening”.


1892 PARCEL POST. Label sent from LOWERSTOFT with 3d. Lilac FOREIGN BILL stamp.


1895 Revenue. £1 violet and black CIVIL SERVICE overprint. Superb used on small part form


1914 Stamp Duty 2/- Blue and red brown of Antigua, used to Hackney and cancelled King William Street cds.


1920 KGV 1s. Blue and Brown – POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK.


1956 Underpaid commercial cover used locally in Walsall with 1d. Postage due.


c.1900 De La Rue Dummy head Britannia design. Recess in green, mounted on card.




C.1910 De La Rue “Minerva Head” Colour Trials for Promotional Sample Stamps.


C.1910 Perkins Bacon, King George IV “SPECIMEN” Stamp Trials.


C.1910 Perkins Bacon, Prince Regent, King George IV Trials.


c.1911/ 12 KGV Colour Essays of HM in the uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet.




MANCHESTER Spoon Handstamp. Stampless entire ordering Champagne addressed to RHEIMS paid “8d” in cash for the ¼oz. rate but no stamps were affixed…


SG102 1871 3d. Deep Rose Pl.7 (JH). “No.1” Handstamp. Telegraphic cancel.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose pl. 6, CJ. Superb Torquay cds for OC.30.71. Attractive.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 7, JI – JK. Fine used strip, Birmingham Telegraph Office cds’s.


SG103 1867/ 80 3d. Rose, plate 8, DD. Superb used. Crisp BLUE telegraphic cancel. Quite spectacular!


SG103 1871 3d. Rose Pl.7 (CA). TELEGRAPH “1082” Handstamp. Excellent bold strike of the PLYMOUTH cancellation.


SG108 1869 6d. Dull Violet Pl.8 (OD, & QA – QB). Without Hyphen. Used in ALEXANDRIA.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9, GE. Fresh, lightly hinged example.


SG10wi – 1841 1d. Deep Red-brown.(TF).Watermark Inverted – Irish numeral.


SG112 & 47 1867 10d. Red-brown Pl.1 (SA – SB) and 1871 2d. Deep Blue Pl.14 (AH). Used on small piece cancelled by VALPARAISO duplex’s for OC. 3. 77.


SG118 1867 2s. Dull Blue Pl.1 (OI). Concentric Ring (7) Handstamp.


SG12 Wi. 1841 1d. Orange-brown.(HF-HG).Watermark Small Crown Inverted.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (NG – NH). Wmk. Spray. Superb used right wing marginal pair.


SG13 1849 2d. Pale Blue, pl. 4, MA-MB.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue (OJ). Plate 4.


SG141 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve.Pl.14 (GI). Wmk Orb. Very fine unused o.g. example, well centred, fresh colour
