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1842 1d. Pink envelope to Chipping Norton, crisply cancelled with the CLITHEROE maltese cross.


1861 De La Rue. “EXPERIMENTAL POSTAGE – THREE PENCE” Essay with the head of King Pedro V of Portugal defaced by a cross.


1879 Tender Essay. “Theed” Head Die Proof A.


1879 Tender Essays for the 1d. Value. Perkins Bacon Submission. Single example taken from a horizontal strip of six from the sheetlet of 36…


1886 2½d Lake with blue advertising ring – Browne and Rosenheim, addressed to Montauban, France.


1895 £1 “Civil Service”. Handstamped “CANCELLED – C.S.C” Very fine.


1895 £1 “CIVIL SERVICE”. Used handstamped “CANCELLED – C.S.C.” Very fine.


1896 Postcard rate, Liverpool to Hong Kong, via transatlantic, across country to Vancouver.


1901 1d. Pink envelope, sent Registered from Berlin to London and cancelled upon arrival, 28.JY.01.


1902 British Stamped wrapper used in Constantinople.


1906 1d. Embossed Revenue used to supplement a 2 1/2d. Postal Stationery cut out. The correct rate was 3d.


1910 1s. Downey Head Hentschel Zinc Block Essay for colour. Second Proof.


1910 3d. Downey Head Hentschel Zinc Block Essay for colour. Second Proof.


1912 Die 2 Crown wmk 1/2d Myrtle green.


1912 KGV Profile Head Die Proof – Coinage Head Die Stage 1g.


1915 9d. Brown stamped to order, folded envelope, addressed to Edam, Holland.


1917 KGV 9d. Brown cut from a Telegraph form used to pay for a parcel on tag.


1924 Olympic Games – British Swimmers Olympic Fund booklet.


1929 Circular Delivery Company. Die Proof.


c.1859 1d. Pink Envelope. SALISBURY “683” experimental handstamp.


c.1900 Perkins Bacon Die Proof Paste-up. George IV “SPECIMEN” stamp.


c.1900 Perkins Bacon Essay. King George IV “SPECIMEN” Stamp.


C.1910 De La Rue “Minerva Head” Colour Trials for Promotional Sample Stamps.


Downey Head Essay for Colour.


Foreign Bill Stamps: Two envelopes one with 1d. and the other with 3d. stamps affixed sent locally in STATHAM.


SG10 1841 1d. Deep Red-brown (BD).


SG103 1871 3d. Rose (SC – TD). Wmk. Spray.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve. Without Hyphen. Wmk Spray.(MA-NB).


SG110 1867 9d. Straw Pl.4 (EC – ED). Fabulous used pair.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, pl. 4, SH. Superb part Telegraphic cancel (Scotland). Nice colour and unusual.


SG112Wi 1867 10d. Red-brown Pl.1 (FB). Watermark Spray Inverted.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale Red-brown Pl.1 (SB). Wmk. Spray. BLUE Foreign Transit Handstamp.


SG117 1867 1s. Green.Pl.4.(IG).Wmk Spray. Superb used, cancelled by a cracking, upright DUNDEE cds for MR.11.69.


SG117 1871 1s. Green (QI – RJ). Wmk Spray.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut pl. 11, RL. Superb Maryborough cds for July 24th 1872.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey Pl.12 (LA – LB). Wmk. Spray. VALPARAISO Handstamp. Fine pair with a superb crisp strike of the Chilean c.d.s.
