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1918 1½d. Brown Post Office Letter Card. “SPECIMEN” Type 26.


1918 Stationery. 1½d. Red-brown “cut out” ringed in blue crayon, on envelope addressed to Devon, England.


SG409 1915/ 1918 DLR 5/- Bright carmine. A very fine used example. Excellent colour.


SG410 1915 5s. Pale Carmine (Worn Plate). D.L.R. “Sea Horse”.


SG410 1918 5/- DLR on Registered 2d. Stationery envelope, sent insured to Switzerland, dated 22.MY.18.


SG413a – 1918 2s.6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”.


SG413a 1918 2/6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury Seahorse. Superb unused, original gum top left corner marginal block of four.


SG413a 1918 2s. 6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”.


SG413a 1918 2s.6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse” and SG429 1s Block Cypher. Used on AIr Mail envelope from Glasgow to Brazil.


SG413a 1918 2s.6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”.


SG413a 1918 2s.6d. Olive-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”. Air Mail envelope with 1s. Block Cypher from Dundee to Brazil via France.


SG415 1918 2s.6d. Reddish-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”.


SG415a 1918 2s. 6d. Pale-brown. Bradbury “Sea Horse”. Re-entry (Pl. 3/5L, State 2, R. 1/2).


SG416var 1918 5/- Bradbury rose carmine, fresh lightly mounted example. RPS cert. Spec N68(1).


SGD5 1918 3d. Postage Due Die Proof, cleared. The UNIQUE example on small part Royal Mint page.


SGD5 1918 3d. Postage Due Die Proof, uncleared. The UNIQUE example on small part Royal Mint page.
