Showing 1–36 of 75 results

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1884 1/- Deep Brown, a complete sheet of the NTC Ltd. Unmounted. Attractive and unusual.


1884 1/- NTC Ltd. A complete sheetlet of 12. Unmounted original gum. Attractive and unusual.


1884 1/2d brown advertising wrapper of KIRBY BEARD + CO.


1884 1d. Orange cheque / receipt stamp used on cover, Staplehurst to Chatham.


1884 De La Rue embossing trials for security printing – three superb die proofs.


1884 National Telephone Company Ltd 1d. Grey black sheetlet of 12, unmounted.


SG128 1878 10s. Greenish-grey. Pl.1 (EC). Wmk Maltese Cross. De La Rue 1884 (6 Nov) OFFICIAL IMPERFORATE REPRODUCTION


SG128 1878 10s. Greenish-grey. Pl.1 (FD). Wmk Maltese Cross. De La Rue 1884 OFFICIAL REPRODUCTION – IMPERFORATE.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue plate 23, GJ. from SAN FRANCISCO paid by 5c. Brown, addressed to PUTNEY HILL, London.


SG157 1884 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 22 on v. fine advertising cover. London to MY, USA via Queenstown.


SG162 & SG187 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac, plate 18 & 1884 ½d. Slate-blue (x2). Mourning envelope from London to Melbourne, via Brindisi.


SG163 1884 Nice combination piece, 2x 1 1/2d. plus 2x 3d./3d. plus 1/-crown.


SG172 1884 1d. Lilac die II on cover, Gortagowan Derry, neatly tied by the Newtown Stewart / Ireland cds.


SG172 1884 1d. Lilac, 16 dots on cover from Devon to Banbury.


SG178 – 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac. (AA). White Paper. Lightly mounted example, part o.g. Cat £600.


SG178 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (BE). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Fine o.g. example…


SG178 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (DC). White Paper.


SG178, 180 & 183 1884 2s. 6d. Lilac (GE), 5s. Rose (EC) and 10s. Ultramarine (MC). “SPECIMEN” Type 11.


SG179 1884 2/6d. Deep lilac, EF. Very fine used, neat upright Northampton cds for JA.20.94.


SG180 1884 5/- Rose, AF, very fine used, Manchester Telegraphs cancel for MY.10.89.


SG180 1884 5/- Rose, EF. Fine used, Central Telegraph Office cds, dated MR.9.92.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose (DA). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 11.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose (JA). White Paper. Fine used, light crease, cancelled by a crisp WEST PIER – BRIGHTON c.d.s. for NO. 27. 88. Rare cancellation.


SG180 1884 5s. Rose, LC. White paper. LANGHAM PLACE HOTEL cds for OC.1.90. Scarce London cancellation.


SG181 1884 5s. Crimson (CF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 11. Very fine unused o.g. example with fresh colour. Spec. K12t – Cat. £450.


SG182 – 1884 10s. Cobalt. White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG183 – 1884 10s. Ultramarine (BD). White Paper.


SG183 1884 10s. Ultramarine (JF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Part o.g. example… fresh colour. Spec. K14s – Cat. £425.


SG187 1884 1/2d. Slate blue, neat dumb cancel London, sent at printed paper rate but sealed and fined 1/2d. Postage Due.


SG187 1884 1/2d. Slate-blue. Small envelope sent underpaid at the 1/2d. printed matter and Post Card rate.


SG187 1884 ½d. Slate-blue on part circular from “Ink, wax and quill merchant”


SG187 1884 ½d. Slate-blue. “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG187 1884 ½d. Slate-blue. Imprimatur.


SG187 1884 ½d. Slate-blue. Red Western District Numeral “W/5” Handstamp.


SG188 1884 1½d. Lilac (BG – CI). Superb unmounted o.g. block of six with fabulous fresh deep colour. Brilliant quality.


SG189 1884 2d. Lilac (AN – BO). “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Superb unmounted o.g. top marginal block of four. Spec. K19s.
