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1883 De La Rue Schemes. The new Small Head Die Proof.


SG157 1883 2 1/2d. Blue on printed Americal Exchange in Europe. Unusual with an entire letter from a son to his mother. A fine transatlantic item.


SG157 1883 2½d. Blue, plate 22 on cover, London to New York, re-directed to Vermont, with the addition of a 3c. green.


SG157 1883 2½d. Blue, plate 23, OH, on neat cover to Maine, USA. London E.C hooded circle cancel.


SG157 1883 2½d. plate 23 x2, plus 1d. lilac on cover, London to the Friendly Islands, South Western Pacific i.e Tonga.


SG159 & 162 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (NI). Wmk. Crown. and 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (NK). Wmk. Crown. LOCHBOISDALE PIER.


SG159 1883 3d on 3d lilac IF.


SG159 1883 3d on 3d lilac KE-LF. Fine used block of four, blue crayon indicating it was used on a registered cover.


SG159 1883 3d on 3d lilac, plate 21, LC, on neat Registered cover. Manchester to Doncaster.


SG159 1883 3d. / 3d. plus 6d. / 6d. surcharges used on small piece with 1/2d. green. All neatly cancelled Ipswich, JU.6.83.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (ED). Wmk. Crown. Used on the rare first Type “PARCELS POST” label of HEMEL HEMPSTEAD…


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (JF). Fresh unused large part o.g. example. Cat. £600.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (JI – JJ). Wmk. Crown.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (ND). “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Very fine o.g. Spec. K8As – Cat. £300.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (NG). Unused o.g. example. Cat. £650.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (OA). Wmk. Crown.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (TC). Wmk. Crown. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Fine o.g. example. Spec. K8As – Cat. £300.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac, pl. 21. Superb cds used with excellent fresh colour.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac, plate 21, watermark Crown on Registered cover, Stratford to London.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac. Pl.21. (GJ). Registered cds for MR.13.84.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac.(EG). Pl.21. Wmk Crown.


SG159/ 162 1883 Forfar Parcel Label with 3d/3d and 6d/6d, neat cds for AU.16.83, first month of use of this label.


SG160 1883 Parcels Post label from Longton (Stoke on Trent) with 4d crown watermark + 2x 1d. lilacs.


SG160 1883 Registered envelope with 4d. plate 18 plus 1/2d. Green , 2d. Registration & 2 1/2d. Postage.


SG162 & SG187 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac, plate 18 & 1884 ½d. Slate-blue (x2). Mourning envelope from London to Melbourne, via Brindisi.


SG162 1883 6d on 6d lilac BC. Unused on small part contract form with fresh colour.


SG162 1883 6d on 6d Lilac, HH. Superb used, Blue Harrow cds.


SG162 1883 6d on 6d lilac, LE. Fine used, small part Scottish Railway cancel, leaving a clear profile.


SG162 1883 6d on 6d. Lilac, PC. Superb used, neat Cornhill Office cds for Dec 27th 1883. Fine colour.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (AB). Superb used cancelled by a crisp LONDON c.d.s. for JU. 4. 83.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (AI). Wmk. Crown. Exceptionally fine used.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (DL). Wmk. Crown. Very fine used cancelled by a crisp PLYMOUTH squared-circle for NO. 2. 83.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (HC). Wmk. Crown. Superb used horizontal pair.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (IA). Fine used cancelled by an inspectors mauve fancy “cork handstamp”. Most unusual.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac, EG. Scarce Fort George cds, for AU.13.83. Near to Inverness.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. lilac, ID. Very fine used, Hoyland cds for FE.2.84.
