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1863 POSTAL NOTICE.- CAUTION about valuable enclosures sent in unregistered letters…


SG17 1863 1d Rose-red (DC). on embossed OUS envelope.


SG17/ 42 1863 Electric Telegraph Co. envelope printed in red, unusually franked with a 1d. Star.


SG38/ 41 1863 1d. Rose-red, plate 67, FD, on neat cover from Portsmouth, dated SP.15.63.


SG39var 1863 1d. Pale Rose-pink, plate R17, type 1 watermark. Very fine, used on white paper.


SG40 1863 1d. Pale rose pink, plate 48, IG – IH pair on neat envelope to Cardiff. Spec C10(6).


SG40 1863 1d. Rose-red, RI. Aberdeen expt”l duplex dated NO.13.63.


SG40, SG79/ 80 1863 Carmarthen Registered cover to Bath.


SG81 1863 4d. Bright Red Pl.4 (RL). Hair Lines. Wmk Large Garter. Exceptionally fine used.


SG81 1863 4d. Bright Red, plate 4, ND. Hair lines. Watermark Large Garter. Envelope from South West London to Boulogne.


SG81 1863 4d. Bright red, plate 4, RE, hairline. An attractive, unused, original gum example.


SG81 1863 4d. Bright red, plate 4. Fine used example lettered CH, on entire from Leeds to Lille, France.


SG81 1863 Welsh registered cover, Carmarthen to Bath. 1d. postage, 4d. registration and neat 167 numerals.


SG82 1863 4d. Pale Red Pl.4 (AD). Hair Lines. Wmk. Large Garter. French Handstamp.


SG82 1863 4d. Pale Red Pl.4 (IH). Hair Lines. Wmk. Large Garter. Mourning envelope sent from LONDON to CHAMPAGNEY…


SG82 1863 4d. Pale Red. Pl.4. (AI)& 1s. Green Pl.4 (TF). London to Shanghae, China, via Marseilles.


SG84 1863 6d. Deep lilac on cover, Reading to the ship HMS Marlborough, stationed in Malta.


SG84, 80, 45 & 40. 1863 Large cover with 1d., 2d., 4d. and 6d. London to Paris, dated MY.7.1863.


SG90 1863 1/- Green plate 1 = plate 2, SG, on neat wrapper Middlesborough to Stettin (now Polish).


SG90 1863 1s. Green (plate no. 1 = plate no. 2). A neat envelope TORQUAY to PHILADELPHIA via LONDON.


SG90 1863 Liverpool to Shanghai, 1/4d. for 1/2oz, via France to Marseilles then by British Packet (P+O) to Hong Kong and finally Shanghai on Oct.26.63.


SG90 1863 Registered Transatlantic cover, Bradford, (Yorks) to Ohio, USA with 6d. registration and 1/- postage.
