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1849 1d. Pink sent from HADLEIGH, neatly cancelled with the BLUE 328 numeral.


1849 Stationery 1d. Pink envelope to London, cancelled with a deep blue 784 numeral of Tenby.


SG13 1849 2d. Blue, plate 4, RL. Clear to exceptional margins, nice deckle edge, very neatly cancelled…


SG13 1849 2d. Pale Blue, pl. 4, MA-MB.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue (EI – FJ). Thin Paper.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue pl. 4, MA. Very fine used example, marginal inscription and Scottish numeral cancel.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue Pl.4 (LB – LC), entire from BRISTOL to SOMERSET


SG14 1849 2d. Blue Pl.4 (QA).Good to huge margined example on neat uncreased wrapper sent from LONDON to KENDAL…


SG14 1849 2d. Blue plate 4, CE – CF. CE re-entry. Very fine used, light Scottish numeral.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue plate 4, GA-GB pair, with single 62 in diamond cancel of Belfast. Contrary to regulations.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 3, HK. Fine four margin example on piece, 838 numeral of Southwold.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 3, RF, on cover, Guildford to London. Underpaid and charged “4” (d.) More to Pay.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 4, BH. Spectacle variety. An excellent example. Late use with London P16 cancel – variety clearly seen.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 4, TB. Superb used full bottom marginal inscription with crisp London cancel.


SG14Wi 1849 2d. Pl. 4, KE-KG. INVERTED WMK.


SG8 & SG14 1852 Wrapper from LONDON to BIRMINGHAM


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown (AD).


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown (HL). Massive margined example on entire from TRURO to HELSTONE


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown (IA).


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown (IF).


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown (QF), plate 89.


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown pl.84 (AE)


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown Pl.89 (TB – TG). BLUE Handstamp.


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown Pl.93 (CG). “Archer Plate”. Excellent wide margined example cancelled by a very light numeral handstamp.


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown Pl.94 (BC). HARROWGATE Error.


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown, plate 80, TB. Superb full sheet marginal showing inscription, on cover.


SG8 1849 1d. Red-brown, plate 87, KC. Neat London 26 in diamond with small type Deptford alongside.


SG8 1849 Registered entire, Liverpool to London with 4x 1d. Reds.


SG8a 1849 1d. Red-brown on Very Blue Paper (GI). Entire from MANCHESTER to AMSTERDAM.


SG8vb 1849 1d. Red-brown pl. 87, QG. Close to good margined example.


Stampless – Incoming Mail. 1849 Registered wrapper sent from AUSCHA (Czechoslovakia) to LONDON…
