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1844 1d Pink Envelope. London to Dumfirmline. No.11 in cross.


1844 1d. Pink Envelope (Huggins EP3b). Used from ROSS to CASTLECOMER and cancelled by the very rare and distinctive straight sided ROSS MALTESE CROSS in black.


1844 1d. Pink mourning envelope, Brighton to London. BRIGHTON maltese cross dated 20.AP.1844.


Post Office Numbers: The Distinguishing numbers given to Post Offices 1844 to 1906 and the Stamps in which they were used, in the British Isles and in Overseas Agencies of the British Post Office by George Brumell.


SG12 1844 1d. Orange-brown (RI). Constant Variety. Four margined example on wrapper sent from TAIN to EDINBURGH.


SG14 1844 2d. Blue pl. 3 (OG) on entire to Ludlow, neatly cancelled with an up-right “No. 8 in maltese cross”.


SG17 1854/ 57 1d. Red-brown SC16, NK. Fine used, neat red 1844 numeral No.4 of Wantage- rarely seen.


SG5 1840 2d. Blue (NG). 1844 Handstamp – Cat. £2500.


SG8 1844 1d. Red (GB). WEST BROMWICH to HAMBURG.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown (BG). Unused o.g. example.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown (DI). “T” & “E” Flaws.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown (JI).


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown (SC). BLUE “186” Numeral of IRVINE.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown (TF).


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown on entire, Belgium to London, re-directed to Edinburgh,


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown pair, KE-KF, cut into at bottom left, from Wigtown to Stranraer.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown pl. 36, NA, Edinburgh to Stourbridge, 22nd April 1844.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown Pl.47 (LA). Enormous margined example on entire sent locally in CHESTER


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown Pl.52 (BI). Late Fee Payment. Entire sent from LONDON to HOLLAND…


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown, pl. 41, CA. Crisp black maltese cross on local London cover, dated 22nd Feb. 1844.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown, plate 41, HD. Just touched at bottom right, unusually cancelled with two strikes of the black mc.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown, plate 41, NE, on entire from London to Oswestry.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown, plate 48, AA. First stamp in sheet, part marginal inscription with neat Belfast 62 numeral.


SG8 1844 1d. Red-brown.


SG8 1844 Double weight cover with two 1d. Reds, BC and EC, each cancelled with No. 3 in maltese cross.


SG8 1844 Envelope bearing 1d. Red-brown, plate 40, QK. Neatly cancelled with a black maltese cross to Borobridge.


SG8/a 1844 Wrapper from MUCH-WENLOCK to LONDON via IRONBRIDGE, mixed franking.


SG8a 1844 1d. Red-brown on Very Blue Paper Pl.44 (CL). Excellent used example with small part selvedge at right


SG8m 1844 1d. Red-brown (BC). LONDON Number “9” in Maltese Cross – LATE USE.


SG8m 1844 1d. Red-brown (PG). LONDON Number “3” in Maltese Cross – LATE USE.


SG9 1844 1d. Pale Red-brown (SE – SF). DUBLIN Maltese Cross.


SGME1 1840 1d. Mulready Letter Sheet. Late Use.
