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1841 1d. Mulready lettersheet A34, London to Morpeth, dated AP.21.1841. M/s “Paid 1d. more” postage due.


1841 SG7 1d. Red-brown, plate 11, CE, entire Birmingham to Derby.


1841 Stampless Entire.


SG10 1841 1d. Deep Red-brown (BD).


SG10wi – 1841 1d. Deep Red-brown.(TF).Watermark Inverted – Irish numeral.


SG12 1844 1d. Orange-brown (RI). Constant Variety. Four margined example on wrapper sent from TAIN to EDINBURGH.


SG12 1852/ 53 1d. Orange-brown, plate 147, SH. Right frame re-cut. Neat numeral cancel of Bridgend.


SG12 Wi. 1841 1d. Orange-brown.(HF-HG).Watermark Small Crown Inverted.


SG13 1849 2d. Blue, plate 4, RL. Clear to exceptional margins, nice deckle edge, very neatly cancelled…


SG13 1849 2d. Pale Blue, pl. 4, MA-MB.


SG14 & 8 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3 (JL – J Flaw) and 1841 1d. Red-brown, TE. “Southwold Penny Post” handstamp.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue (JH – JL) plate 3.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue (OJ). Plate 4.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue pl. 3, BH, KELSO mc- a superb large margined example.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue Pl.3 (FL). Excellent wide margined example on wrapper from LONDON to CLARE, SUFFOLK cancelled by a crisp strike of the “13” Inland Office numeral.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3 (EL) envelope, Ashton-Under-Line to Liverpool


SG14 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3, BF. Norwich maltese cross. Excellent example, on small piece.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3, LA, on cover to Aberdeen with 322 numeral of Tarland, Aberdeen.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue. Pl.4 (PA-PD). London to Brussels.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue.(AA). Huge margins.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue.(BF). Plate 3. Superb used.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue.(LK-LL) plate 3. Superb used pair.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue.Plate 4. (TG-TH) pair on cover. Sheffield to Macclesfield JU.11.52.


SG14 1842 2d. Blue pl. 3 (LE) State 1 “eyebrow flaw” on London over, black mc and blue “T.P/ Charles St. West” alongside.


SG14 1842 2d. Blue pl. 3, HG on entire Edinburgh to the Glasgow and Ayreshire Railway.


SG14 1844 2d. Blue pl. 3 (OG) on entire to Ludlow, neatly cancelled with an up-right “No. 8 in maltese cross”.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue (EI – FJ). Thin Paper.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue pl. 4, MA. Very fine used example, marginal inscription and Scottish numeral cancel.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue Pl.4 (LB – LC), entire from BRISTOL to SOMERSET


SG14 1849 2d. Blue Pl.4 (QA).Good to huge margined example on neat uncreased wrapper sent from LONDON to KENDAL…


SG14 1849 2d. Blue plate 4, CE – CF. CE re-entry. Very fine used, light Scottish numeral.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue plate 4, GA-GB pair, with single 62 in diamond cancel of Belfast. Contrary to regulations.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 3, HK. Fine four margin example on piece, 838 numeral of Southwold.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 3, RF, on cover, Guildford to London. Underpaid and charged “4” (d.) More to Pay.


SG14 1849 2d. Blue, plate 4, BH. Spectacle variety. An excellent example. Late use with London P16 cancel – variety clearly seen.


SG14 1854 2d. Blue, plate 4, AC & AE, both units showing wear to upper right star, before RE-ENTRY.
