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1884 National Telephone Company Ltd 1d. Grey black sheetlet of 12, unmounted.


SG123 1872 6d. Pale buff, plate 12, SC. A fresh mint, original gum example of this rare stamp, with good original colour.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey plate 12, JF. Very fine used marginal single, neat 100 numeral London cancel.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey plate 12, MC. Watermark. Spray. Gibralter handstamp. Fine used example.


SG125 1873 6d. Grey, plate 12, BG. Very fine used, Charing Cross, OC.31.1873.


SG141 1876 2 1/2d. Rosy mauve, plate 12, PD. A fresh original gum example.


SG148/ 150 1874 1/- plate 12, cut down die proof in black on glazed card.


SG150 1873 1/- Pale green pl. 12, TE. Fresh part o.g example.


SG196 1884 1s. Dull Green. Perforated 12, SPECIMEN Type 9. Very fine o.g example.


SG329 – 1911 1d. Carmine. Die 1B. Wmk Crown. Pale Lion (Pl. 12, R. 19/12).


SG341 1912 1d. Die 2 Paper trial, imperf. Marginal block of 12, on un-gummed, un-watermarked paper from B. 11 control.


SG43, SG94 & SG143 1871 1d. Rose-red, plate 145, BC, 1872 4d. Vermilion, plate 13, FG & 1873 3d. Rose, plate 12, AD.


SG435 1929 PUC 1d. “broken wreath” R19/12, plate 4, K29 control block of 12, unmounted. A fine multiple.


SG441ew 1935 Photogravure. 1 1/2d. Ad. pane No. 12, inverted wmk. Punched and cancelled type 33P.


SG45 1868 2d. Blue plate 12, JC. Thick Lines. Printed entire from the Royal Bank of Scotland to Heddington.


SG45 1868 2d. Blue, plate 12, LD. Thick lines. Fine used in a deep shade.


SG48 1874 1/2d. Rose-red pl. 12, EB. Superb variety… top B square sloping down! Used on entire from CAUPAR-FIFE to the “Lunacy Board” EDINBURGH.


SG48 1874 ½d. Rose-red, plate 12, FO. Exceptionally fine used, cancelled by part cds.


SG48 1874 ½d. Rose-red, plate 12, OP. Exceptionally fine used, cancelled by a bold Norwich cds.


SG8 1841 1d. Red brown, plate 12, TD. Very fine used on small piece. Nice maltese cross and fine Carlisle cds.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown Pl.12 (HE). Clear margins small part black MC leaving a cracking clear profile… a very attractive stamp.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown plate 12, CF. Just touched bottom right, with a perfect Greenock distinctive maltese cross.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown, pl. 12, MK-NL. Fine, used block, clear to good margins (some thinning in l.h margin, just affecting NK).


SG93 1865 4d. Pale Vermilion, pl. 12, NK. Very fine cds used, Shooters Hill.


SG93 1870 4d. Dull vermilion, plate 12, MA. Very fine cds of Malta, dated SP.9.72.


SG94 1870 4d. Vermilion pl. 12, EE.


SG94 1870 4d. Vermilion plate 12, KH. Wmk. Large Garter. Used Abroad – Malta.


SG94 1870 4d. Vermilion, plate 12, CE. Watermark. Large Garter. Very fine used.


SG94 1870 4d. Vermilion, plate 12, good used block, CB-DC, Aughnacloy duplex for SE.2.72.
