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1884 1/- NTC Ltd. A complete sheetlet of 12. Unmounted original gum. Attractive and unusual.


1931 Royal Mint Trial Plate – Dummy stamp. Block of 12.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (TC). Superb used cancelled by part c.d.s. for SP. 12. 72. Cat. £125+.


SG192 1884 4d. Dull Green, AK. Perforated 12. SPECIMEN Type 9. Unmounted o.g. top marginal


SG201 1887 2½d. Purple on Blue “Jubilee”. SPECIMEN type 12.


SG202s 1887 3d. Purple on yellow SPECIMEN Type 12. Very fine o.g example, struck diagonally.


SG207s 1887 5d. Jubilee Die I, SPECIMEN Type 12. Fine mint o.g example – unlisted by SG.


SG219 1902 1d. Scarlet. D.L.R. Pin repair below P of Postage, plate 9, R. 20/ 12. Unmounted, o.g.


SG43 1864/ 79 1d. Rose-red, plate 119, MA – NF. A superb cds block of 12.


SG435var 1929 PUC 1d. Scarlet “Broken wreath at left” plate 4, R19/ 12. Very lightly mounted mint.


SG44 1864/ 79 1d. Lake red, plate 212, HA-KC. Superbly fresh block of 12. Nice colour, mainly unmounted, o.g.


SG441eWi.1935 1½d. Red-brown. Photogravure. Small Format. WMK INV. Advert No. 12. CANCELLED type 33.


SG45 1858 2d. Blue, pl. 12. Fine used example lettered LL, cancelled by cds for 1.JU.69.


SG45Wi 1868 2d. Blue Pl.12 (QF). Thick Lines. WATERMARK INVERTED.


SG47 1869 2d. Deep Blue Pl.13 (CH). Thin Lines. Superb used cancelled by a lovely crisp REDRUTH c.d.s. for SP. 12. 72.


SG47 1869 2d. Deep Blue Pl.13 (FD – GE). Thin Lines. Superb used block of four cancelled by crisp CHELTENHAM c.d.s’s for AU. 12. 72.


SG48 1870 1/2d. Rose-red, plate 12. Fresh original gum block of 6. Imperforate at right.


SG94 1865/ 67 4d. Vermilion, plate 12. HB – HD. Superb used strip, neat Newtonlimavady cds.


SG94Wi 1872 4d. Vermilion, pl. 12. WMK Garter INVERTED.


SGC2 1948 Channel Islands liberation. “Crown flaw” R/1 stamp 1. Unmounted block of 12.


SGPP24 1867 1 1/2d. Rose-red pl.1 (HD) COPESTAKE underprint in red, type 12.
