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SG157 – 1881 2½d. Blue Pl.22 (SL). Wmk. Crown.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue (AJ). BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE – EGYPT Handstamp (Type ZA1).


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue (GG). To CORNWALL cancelled by the “F.B” – Foreign Branch h/s.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue (KD). Wmk. Crown. Advertising envelope for the “WASHINGTON HOTEL, LIVERPOOL”.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue Pl.22 (HK). Fine used cancelled by part c.d.s.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue, plate 22, HD-HE. Fine used pair with “killer cancels” neatly struck. Unusual.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue, plate 22, QF. London experimental cancel.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue, SE. Watermark Crown from London to Bone, Algeria.


SG157 1882 2½d. Blue, plate 22, GA on neat entire, London to Nice, France.


SG157 1882 Registered Summons notice used in Peterborough with (unusually) a 2 1/2d. blue plate 22.


SG157 1883 2½d. Blue, plate 22 on cover, London to New York, re-directed to Vermont, with the addition of a 3c. green.


SG157 1884 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 22 on v. fine advertising cover. London to MY, USA via Queenstown.


SG169 1882 London to Triste via Ostende with 5d. indigo and 2½d., plate 22.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown (BJ).


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown Pl.22 (QK).


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown, plate 22, BH. A brilliant used example. Neat part maltese cross, leaving a clear profile. A stunner!


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown, plate 22, LE. Fine four margin example on piece.


SG8 1841 1d. Red-brown, plate 22, TK. Superb marginal inscription example with a cracking bold black maltese cross.


SG8 1842 1d. Red-brown, plate 22, GE, used to redirect the entire from London to Chudleigh, originally sent from Rome.


SG8 1842 1d. Red-brown, plate 22, HE – distinctive small letter E – on cover from London to Taunton.
