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1840 1d. Mulready envelope A138. Superb used, Taunton to Bristol.


1840 2d. Mulready envelope, a202, London to Bath, underpaid with circular “More to Pay” and m/s “4” (double the defficiency of 2d).


1870 ½d. Violet large format postcard sent from Dartmoor to Guernsey.


1880 Telegraphs: hand painted essay for a ½d. value by DLR.


1911 SG338/ SG341 1/2d. scarlet and SG329 1d. green “Reversed Colours”, colour trials on gummed wmkd paper


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4 (Emblems watermark). Colourful cover, London to New York, USA.


SG102 &109 1873 3d. Deep Rose. Pl.7 (FI)and 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (SI). Yellow envelope from Devenport to HMS Basilisk, Sydney, Australia ‘or Elsewhere’.


SG102 1867 3d. Deep rose, plate 8, KI. Very fine cds used example.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep rose, plate 7, QI-RJ. Superb used block.


SG102 1886 3d. Rose-red, plate 8, KA-LD. Superb cds marginal block of 8.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw. Superb used, OL, crisp Uddingstone (S. Lanarkshire) cds.


SG114 – 1867 10d. Deep Red-brown Pl.1 (AA). Wmk Spray. Smaller Figures “1”.


SG115 1867 1s. Deep Green Pl.4 (IJ).


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 5, AK. Superb used marginal example, showing large part plate number.


SG118 1867 2s. Dull Blue Pl.1 (BL). Wmk. Spray. Superb used cancelled by FENCHURCH ST. c.d.s. for MY. 8. 75.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut, plate 11, very fine used. Neat CURRAGH CAMP cds.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue (JH – JL) plate 3.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue Pl.3 HK – Double Letter.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy mauve, plate 13, AG- short stamp from A row.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue (AE). Wmk Orb. FRENCH HANDSTAMP.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue Pl.19 (IE). Unused o.g. with fine fresh appearance. Cat. £575.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue Pl.20 (PL). Wmk. Orb. Delightful used bottom marginal showing “2½d”.


SG143 1874 3d. Rose Pl.14 (TE). Unused with small part o.g. good colour… Cat. £575.


SG144 1875 3d. Pale rose, plate 17, KC. Very fine used example, Belfast cds for ?.22.1875.


SG147 1876 6d. Grey Pl.15 (PE). Wmk. Spray. Cloth Covered Handstamps.


SG150 1873 1/- Green pl. 9, RJ. A very fine o.g example. A fine stamp.


SG150 1873 1s. Green pl. 10, MB. Superb Malta cds dated October 1874.


SG151 1880 1s. Orange-brown Pl.13 (NL). Used Abroad – NICARAGUA.


SG152 1876 4d. Lilac Pl.15 (AE). Imperforate Colour Trial – “SPECIMEN” Type 8.


SG152 1876 4d. Vermilion, plate 15 uprating a 1d. pink example, from Cheltenham to London.


SG153 1877 4d. Sage green, plate 15, NF. Superb GALLOWAY SORTING TENDER cds.


SG153 1877 4d. Sage-green Pl.16 (AE). Fine unused o.g. with fresh colour… Cat. £1400.


SG154 1880 4d. Grey-brown, plate 17, RD. Superb used, Newburgh cds for AP.15.81.


SG156 1876 8d. Orange, AK-BL corner block of 4. Unmounted original gum.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue (AJ). BRITISH ARMY POST OFFICE – EGYPT Handstamp (Type ZA1).


SG160 1880 4d. Grey-brown, plate 18, CF, LINE PERF 14 ex “BEFORE and AFTER” the stamp committee.
