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1859 1d. Pink Envelope. Uprated with 2d. Blue Pl.7 (SG45) and 4d. Carmine (SG66) and sent by Registered mail from LEICESTER to ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH.


1d. Pink uprated with 1s. Pale Green. from Ramsgate to New York.


SG14 1860 Neat small entire to Bombay with a very rare combination of imperf and perf issues.


SG24 & 62 1855 1d. Red-brown (CD – CF) and 1855 4d. Carmine. Used to uprate 1d. Pink Stationery envelope sent from BURY, LANCS to DUSSELDORF.


SG35 & 70 1857 2d. Deep blue, plate 6 (RE Re-entry). LC.P.14 and 1856 6d. Pale lilac. Wmk. Emblems.


SG35, 40 & 69 1857 2d. Deep Blue Pl.6 (SK) 1857 1d. Rose-red (QG) and 1856 6d. Deep Lilac. Wmk. Emblems. Neat uncreased envelope from WHITBY to MALTA “Via Marseilles”


SG40 & 69 1857 1d. Rose-red (KF). Die II. LC. P.14. and 1856 6d. Deep Lilac. Wmk. Emblems. Envelope sent by Registered mail from SOUTHAMPTON to LONDON.


SG40 & 70 1857 Small envelope, JERSEY to HAVANA (Cuba) “Via Liverpool per first Steamer to United States”.


SG41 & 69 1857 1d. Deep Rose-red Pl.14. Die II. LC. P.14 and 1856 6d. Deep Lilac. Wmk. Emblems. Envelope from EXETER to SEETAPORE via Marseilles…


SG41 & 69 1857 1d. Deep Rose-red, HG. Die II. LC. P.14 and 1856 6d. Deep Lilac. Registered mail.


SG45 & 64 1858 2d. Blue Pl.7 (KB). Thick Lines and 1856 4d. Pale Carmine. Ordinary Thin White Paper. Wmk. Medium Garter. Entire from LONDON to TORINO.


SG45 & SG69 1862 wrapper from LONDON to BORDEAUX.


SG45 + SG69 1861 2d. pl. 9 plus 6d. Lilac on registered cover, London to Liverpool.


SG45 1862 2d. Blue, plate 9, block of 4 on US Packet “S.S. Arabia” cover to Montreal.


SG62 1855 2d. Blue, plate 5 plus 2x 4d. deep bright carmine (sm garter) on registered, part entire.


SG62 1855 4d. Carmine (watermark small garter) vertical pair on cover, Nottingham to Berlin.


SG62 1855 4d. Carmine on deeply blued paper (watermark small garter).


SG62 1855 4d. Carmine. Wmk. Small Garter. Highly Glazed deeply Blued Paper. Envelope from LIVERPOOL sent to a “Pen Maker” in PARIS…


SG62 1855 4d. Small garter, carmine corner pair on large folded wrapper, Ireland to Derby.


SG62 1855 The First Day of Issue of the First Surface Printed Stamp.


SG62 1856 4d. Carmine pair on entire to Canada West.


SG62 1856 4d. Carmine, highly glazed blued paper, on cover London to France.


SG62 1856 4d. Small garter watermark on neat mourning envelope to Paris. Rare stamp on cover.


SG62 1856 Entire from Tourcoing, France with imperf. 40c. Naploean sent to Wellington, Somerset, but first being missent to Taunton.


SG62a 1856 4d. Small garter wmk in carmine on slightly blued paper, on wrapper Shrewsbury to Ellesmere.


SG62b 1855 4d. Carmine on white paper, watermark small garter on neat, small envelope.


SG63 1856 4d. Carmine (medium garter) on neat wrapper, Leeds to Frome.


SG63 1856 4d. Medium garter on neat cover to Leith.


SG63 1866 4d. Deep carmine on thick, highly glazed paper. Watermark medium garter.


SG63/ 62 1856 4d. Carmine (medium garter wmk). Double rate cover, BELFAST spoon, AU.11.1856 to AMSTERDAM.


SG63a 1857 Ladies envelope, Liverpool to Shanghai via London and Hong Kong.


SG64 & 70 1856 4d. Pale Carmine. Ordinary Thin White Paper. Wmk. Medium Garter and 6d. Pale-lilac. Wmk. Emblems. Registered entire sent from LONDON to MACCLESFIELD.


SG64Wi 1857 4d. Pale carmine on thin white paper, watermark medium garter, inverted.


SG66 1856 Bristol to Rhenish, Prussia with 2x 4d. Carmines.


SG66 1857 4d. Rose carmine. Sunderland to Londeauc, France.


SG66 1857 4d. Rose on entire to Lille, crisply cancelled by the type C recut Spoon.
