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“SG62” c.1860 Rose. Souvenir envelope and enclosure which opens out into the shape of a Rose with illustrations of European places of worship and interest to the tourist (both sides).


1859 1d. Pink Envelope. Uprated with 2d. Blue Pl.7 (SG45) and 4d. Carmine (SG66) and sent by Registered mail from LEICESTER to ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH.


1882 Christmas Eve; stunning hand painted Mulready design, by E. Leech, R. A.


1886 Hoster Machine cancel on 1d. Lilac on cover to Ashburton.


1889 Hoster Machine cancel, 2½d. Jubilee on cover to Bordeaux, France.




1891 Argentina wrapper to Stirling, re-directed to Yorkshire.


1893 ½d. Vermilion plus 2x 1d. lilac fiscal stamps on cover, London to Paris.


1894 1d. Pink and 2d. Registered post from Mosley, Manchester to Birmingham.


1896 1d. Brown wrapper, uprated with 2 1/2d. Jubilee, London to Egypt.


1897 1d. Pink stationery envelope from Leeds to “Geneve”, Switzerland.


1897 Machine Cancellations. Imperial Mail Marking Machine Co. carried out demonstration trials in London…


1898 Express Delivery cover sent locally without stamps, in London.


1899 1d. Red Postal Stationery Post Card. Sent from LONDON to WARSAW, RUSSIA…


1d. Pink uprated with 1s. Pale Green. from Ramsgate to New York.


c.1900 Community of Southampton Revenue stamp “Fine or Fee Stamp” in sheetlet of 9.


Foreign Bill Stamps: Two envelopes one with 1d. and the other with 3d. stamps affixed sent locally in STATHAM.


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4 (Emblems watermark). Colourful cover, London to New York, USA.


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4 (Emblems) pair, BE-BF paying double rate. London to Peru via Panama.


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4, IK, watermark emblems, on entire, LEEDS to BUENOS AYRES.


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4, RJ (wmk Emblems) on mourning transatlantic envelope, Plymouth to New York.


SG101 1865 Experimental MANCHESTER “498” roller cancel.


SG101 1866 1/- Green, plate 4, CA (wmk Emblems) on cover, London to Jamaica.


SG101 1866 1/- Green, plate 4, GD. Plus 2d. blue, plate 9, KD, on entire from London to New York, per “City of Paris” via Queenstown.


SG101 1867 Bradford (West Yorkshire), envelope sent Registered to Harlem Springs, Ohio, USA.


SG102 &109 1873 3d. Deep Rose. Pl.7 (FI)and 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (SI). Yellow envelope from Devenport to HMS Basilisk, Sydney, Australia ‘or Elsewhere’.


SG102 – 1873 3d. Deep Rose. PL.10 Wmk Spray & SG143 3d. Dumb Cancels.


SG102 1870 3d. Deep Rose Pl.6 (ED). Wmk. Spray.


SG102 1871 3d. Rose, plate 6 pair, underpaying postage on Registered cover to France.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.8 (GJ). Wmk. Spray. Affixed sideways on envelope sent from FARNBORO STATION to ELK CREEK POST OFFICE, WISCONSIN


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.9 (SC – SD). Wmk. Spray.


SG103 – 1869 Underpaid cover, London to Jamaica.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose (IC). Wmk Spray.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose. Pl.5 (BC). Wrapper from Swansea to Bordeaux, France. Super strike of the '763' duplex for DE.13.70.


SG103 1868 3d. Rose Pl.5 (LB). Used on envelope addressed to BLOIS and solely cancelled by the “3734” ST MALO dotted lozenge with red transit alongside…


SG103 1868 3d. Rose, plate 4, watermark Spray of Rose, strip of 4, NA-ND, from Bradford to Leipzig.
