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1892 PARCEL POST. Label sent from LOWERSTOFT with 3d. Lilac FOREIGN BILL stamp.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (ED). Wmk. Crown. Used on the rare first Type “PARCELS POST” label of HEMEL HEMPSTEAD…


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. surcharge pair on PARCELS POST label from Old Brompton Road.


SG159/ 162 1883 Forfar Parcel Label with 3d/3d and 6d/6d, neat cds for AU.16.83, first month of use of this label.


SG160 1883 Parcels Post label from Longton (Stoke on Trent) with 4d crown watermark + 2x 1d. lilacs.


SG178 1901 2/6d. Lilac, 1/- green and carmine and 5d. die II on Notting Hill parcel label.


SG180 1883/ 84 Chorley Parcel Post label with 2/6d., 5/- and 9d. making 8/6d.


SG191 1885 3d. Lilac on experimental small type Parcel Post label, without the office name.


SG191 1886 3d. Lilac on TROWBRIDGE parcel label.


SG193 1886 1d. Lilac and 5d. Dull green on Parcel Post label of Westbury, Wilts.


SG194 – 1884 6d. Dull Green (IK). “PARCEL POST” label used on a Registered package…


SG194 1884 6d. Dull Green, JS. Used on Parcel Post label for “21, Regent Street/ London, W. (RCO)”.


SG197 & SG205 1896 CLAPHAM RISE parcel post label, with ½d. and 4d. Jubilee’s.


SG197/ SG214 c.1895 Parcel Post label. “Featherstone (under Pontefract)”.


SG202 & SG208 1901 Jubilee Parcel Post label.


SG202 1895 3d. Jubilee on HADLEY, BARNET parcel post label, dated MR.19.1895. Attractive.


SG202 1896 Blue Notting Hill Parcel label with 3d. Jubilee cancelled on AU.4.96.


SG202 1898 3d. Jubilee paying Postage, 2x 1d. Lilacs paying Registration, from Stafford to Switzerland.


SG202 1901 Bexhill Old Town Parcel Post label.


SG202 1901 Brighton (Kemp Town QRB) Parcel Label.


SG203 1895 3d. Deep purple/ yellow on HITCHIN Parcel Post label.


SG203 1901 3d. Jubilee on Bexhill on Bexhill Parcel Post label.


SG205 1897 Sutton’s Seeds parcel label (perfined).


SG205 1900 Southern Cross (under Brighton).


SG205 1901 4d. Jubilee on Leiston, (Under Saxmundham) Parcel Post label.


SG206 1894 Parcel Post label, Tottenham, West Green Rd.


SG206 1895 Kensington Parcel Post label with Jubilee 3d. and 4½d.


SG206 1896 Torrington Parcel Label with 4½d. Jubilee showing variety “broken bar to 1 of ½d.”


SG206 1897 Parcel Post label of Thornhill, with a pair of 4½d. Jubilee’s.


SG206 1900 2½d. and 4½d. Jubilees on parcel post label of Tettenhall (under Wolverhampton).


SG206 1901 Parcel Post label of Gazeley (Under Newmarket)


SG207a 1901 Brighton (Kemp Town B.O) Parcel Label.


SG208 1895 Bantry, Co. Cork, parcel label on parcel tag to Beckenham


SG208 1896 Brighton (Exeter Street) Parcel Label.


SG208 1896 Wigan Parcel label with Jubilee 6d. neatly cancelled on SP.7.1896.


SG208 1899 Hastings Parcel Post label with Jubilee 6d. plus 1d. lilac.
