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1855 unpaid cover sent to Early, Reading. Charged just 3d. postage due, not double the deficiency?


Birmingham Letter Carrier Handstamp. Three different examples.


SG14 1860 Neat small entire to Bombay with a very rare combination of imperf and perf issues.


SG16b 1850 1d. Red-brown Pl.93 (BE). Perforated 16 by Henry Archer.


SG16b 1850 1d. Red-brown.(CD).Perforated 16 by Henry Archer with neat BLUE numeral


SG16b 1853 1d. Red-brown Archer, pl. 96, MA. On cover to Putney, neat 77 in oval and dated on reserve JY.26.1853.


SG16b 1853 1d. Red-brown Archer, plate 94, DA on cover from William Gladstone to Benjamin Disraeli.


SG16b 1853 1d. Red-brown Pl.93 (BE). Perforated 16 by Henry Archer. Superb used on neat local LONDON cover dated 24. DEC. 1853.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown (CL) plate 173. Die I. SC. P.16.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown (PA). Die I. SC. P.16. Wonderful left hand marginal with “PRICE” inscription.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown (PC). Die I. SC. P.16. Small neat uncreased envelope sent from SHIPDHAM to EAST DEREHAM…


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown (QH). Die I. SC. P.16. Pale shade showing some plate on mourning envelope sent from BRIGHTON to LONDON


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown SC16, plate 177 on cover to Cumberland.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown SC16, plate 186 on unusually folded cover.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, Die I, Alph II. SC16. Pre-printed “Standard Life Assurance Company.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, EH, plate 189, fine used on cover from Ashburton to Totnes.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, IA, used on envelope to WOKINGHAM.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, plate 162, KI. Die I. SC. P.16. Used on miniature envelope.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, plate 164 on cover, Bridgewater to Exeter.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, plate 178, NE on envelope sent locally in London.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, plate 4, MJ, on neat cover to Bury.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, SC16 die I, alph II, plate 173, AJ, used on cover in London.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown, TD, used on envelope from London to Durham.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown. Die I. SC. P.16. Entire from ALBANO, ITALY to Bridgewater, re-directed to London.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown. Pl.178.Die I. SC. P.16. Spec C1.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown.(QL). Pl.R6.Die I. SC. P.16. Spec C1.


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown.(RF) plate 173. Die I. SC. P.16. Spec C1. Worn plate. Superb used on cover.


SG17 1854 1d. SC16, alph II, red-brown, FA, marginal inscription example on mourning envelope, Derby to London.


SG17 1854 1d. Star on cover, Tulamore to Killucan, Ireland.


SG17 1854 Fine 6d. rate cover with 4x 1d. Red-brown, pl. 176, plus 2x pl. 166 to Falmouth (Family Tree enclosed).


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown on cover to Edinburgh.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown SC16, plate 189, IE, on local London cover to Walworth.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown, alph II, die I, SC16 (KE) tied to cover by MILNGAVIE cds.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown, EK, Die I, Alph II, SC16, pl. R2, with neat COATBRIDGE cds.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown, FD, on neat cover, cancelled with Birmingham Spoon.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown, plate 171, BG, on part wrapper from Drymen to Edinburgh.
