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1870 Stampless cover, London to Stockholm, Sweden.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw. Pl.4. Wmk Spray & x3 SG43 1d Pl.156


SG138 1875 2½d. Rosy mauve, plate 1, blued on cover, London to Wurttemberg, Germany.


SG147 1876 6d. Grey Pl.15 (PE). Wmk. Spray. Cloth Covered Handstamps.


SG152 & SG43 1876 4d. Vermilion Pl.15 (EG). Wmk. Large Garter and 1875 1d. Rose-red Pl.181 (TL).


SG153 1877 Registered cover sent from Gloucester to Bristol.


SG156 1869 Bristol Cloth Covered Cancels. A selection of 4 stamps, plus one cover, clearly showing this unusual cancel.


SG156 1878 1d. Rose-red, plate 202 block of 4, DD-EE, plus 8d. on cover, PENRITH to MADRAS, INDIA.


SG17 1855 1d. pl. 188 (ND) on neat envelope to WINDSOR, neatly cancelled with the READING “biscuit” spoon.


SG40 1858 1d. Star, GG on neat, uncreased cover, JEDBURGH to GLASGOW.


SG40 1859 Registered orange envelope, DERBY to LONDON.


SG43 & 109 1858 1d. Rose-red Pl.125 (FA) and 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (EA). Entire from LONDON to CADIZ.


SG43 & 109 1871 1d. Rose-red Pl.152 (LI – LG) and 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (NL). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Used in CAIRO/ALEXANDRIA.


SG43 & 138 1876 1d. Rose-red Pl.188 (EK) and 1875 2½d. Rosy Mauve Pl.1 (KL). Wmk. Anchor. Blued Paper. Wrapper from LONDON to PARIS.


SG43 & 144 1872 1d. Rose-red Pl.154 (RG – RH) and 1874 3d. Pale Rose Pl.14 (TE). Wmk. Spray.


SG43 & 51 1876 1d. Rose-red (KF)


SG43 & 94 1868 1d. Rose-red Pl.121 (LJ) and 1870 4d. Vermilion Pl.12 (TF). Wmk. Large Garter.


SG43 & SG103 1871 Registered envelope from the German Consulate in London.


SG43 & SG109 1871 entire from London to Havre, France.


SG43 & SG141 1875 cover send from London to Boston.


SG43 & SG48 1878 Registered cover to Market Harboro’


SG43 & SG94 1868 on entire to Monpellier (France).


SG43 & SG94 1872 Registered envelope from Sutton to Cambridge.


SG43 & SG94 1874 neat Registered, envelope, Newton Abbot to Ashburton.


SG43 1858 Mourning cover with 1d. Rose-red/ white, wmk LARGE CROWN, error type I.


SG43 1858/ 79 1d. Rose red, plate 161 on wrapper to Nice. Neatly cancelled by the NPB special cancel.


SG43 1858/ 79 1d. Rose-red, plate 81, KF. Neat “285” numeral of Exeter.


SG43 1859 Calcutta to Christchurch, Hants. Re-directed on arrival with 1d. plate 119.


SG43 1861 1d. Rose-red, plate 102 on superb “BEAL” cover – a picture and fine art dealer.


SG43 1863 1d. Rose-red, plate 60, SA-TB, on entire, Birmingham to Paris.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red pl. 85, FB. Compulsory Registration.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red pl. 90 on local Peebles cover, neatly cancelled with a cds dated SE.18.64.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red Pl.71 (MK). Re-entry. Fine uncreased envelope from WORCESTER to LEDBURY.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red Pl.73 (JA). Envelope sent from India with three colour franking…


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red Pl.73 (SK). Portsmouth Sorting Carriage Handstamp.


SG43 1864 1d. Rose-red Pl.81 (LH).
