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1840 1d. Mulready wrapper, London to Jersey.


1870 ½d. Violet large format postcard sent from Dartmoor to Guernsey.


SG101 1865 1/- Green, plate 4, RK-SL. Fine used block, cancelled with 409 numeral of Jersey.


SG101 1865 1s. Green Pl.4 (IG). Wmk. Emblems. Fine used cancelled by the scarce JERSEY “409” numeral.


SG102 1873 3d. Deep Rose.Pl.9. (PL). Wmk Spray.


SG103 1868 3d. Rose (MJ). Wmk Spray.


SG103 1868 3d. Rose Pl.5 (LB). Used on envelope addressed to BLOIS and solely cancelled by the “3734” ST MALO dotted lozenge with red transit alongside…


SG103 1871 3d. Rose, plate 11, cancelled GRANVILLE “1706” from Jersey to Nuits.


SG103 1872 3d. Rose (AH). Wmk Spray.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve pl. 8, GF. Without hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Entire sent from Jersey to Portugal.


SG111 1867 9d. Pale Straw (OI). Fine used wing marginal cancelled by the “409” duplex of JERSEY.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue (AE). Wmk Orb. FRENCH HANDSTAMP.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue, plate 17, GJ. Watermark Orb. FRENCH handstamp.


SG143 1873 3d. Rose Pl.12 (QJ). Envelope from JERSEY to PARIS “via Granville” cancelled by a super strike of the “409” duplex for FE. 8. 74.


SG144 1873 3d. Rose, plate 11, EB, on neat cover to France. Superbly cancelled by the 409 Jersey duplex.


SG157 1881 2 1/2d. Blue pl. 21, Qd. Entire, Jersey to St. Malo, uncancelled upon dispatch.


SG160 1881 4d. Grey-brown plate 17, GF. Watermark Crown. Red, octagonal French date stamp for 11 Jan. 1881.


SG169 1881 5d. Indigo. Very fine cds example- GUERNSEY?


SG172 1881 1d. Lilac. Die II. Used on a Picture Post Card from Jersey to Versailles.


SG190 1884 2½d. Lilac (CR). Channel Islands to Domme, France


SG190 1884 2½d. Lilac, AT. Right hand marginal on envelope, sent from Jersey to Finister, France.


SG201 1887 2½d. Placed left on envelope addressed to Jersey and Caen.


SG201 1888 2½d. Jubilee on neat small piece, neatly tied by JERSEY squared circle.


SG210 1887 10d. Jubilee, complete sheetlet of 20 with Guernsey Parcel cancels.


SG212 1891 £1 Green (deep shade) ex. plate 3, KA. Very fine used, Manchester Accounts cds.


SG214 1900 1/- Green and carmine, very fine corner marginal block of 20.


SG215 1904 Picture Post Card of Corbiere Lighthouse, Jersey sent to France.


SG215 1904 ½d. Blue-green on picture post card of Bel-Air Hotel, Sark, Channel Islands.


SG219 1903 Picture Post Card from Jersey to France.


SG219 1905 1d. Postcard of The Devils Hole, Jersey.


SG246 1902 6d. Slate Purple. D.L.R. FIRST DAY OF USE.


SG249 1910 7d. Grey-black DLR ptg. Guernsey 1911 cds’s paying tobacco duty. Very fine block of 25.


SG249 1910 7d. Grey-black. ALDERNEY rubber cancel. Rare.


SG249 1910 7d. Grey-black. Very fine used block of four.


SG264 1902 5s. Deep bright carmine.


SG265 – 1902 10s. Ultramarine. D.L.R. RUBBER PARCEL CANCEL.
