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“SG62” c.1860 Rose. Souvenir envelope and enclosure which opens out into the shape of a Rose with illustrations of European places of worship and interest to the tourist (both sides).


1871 Azemar Experimental Cancellation. 1d. pink entire to Kilwinning, with a superb strike of this scarce cancel.


1912 1d. Blue “Ideal Stamp”. Letterpress printed by Waterlow Bros. & Leyton at the 1912 Jubilee International Exhibition using their Wharfedale machine…


c. 1911/ 12 KGV Colour Essays of HM in the uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet.


SG102 1872 3d. Deep Rose Pl.8 (MI). Superb used left hand wing marginal cancelled by a light YARMOUTH c.d.s. for AU. 23. 72.


SG109 – 1869 6d. Mauve (SL). Wmk Spray.Advertising envelope for the “FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY”.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (HK). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray. Stampless envelope sent from NASHVILLE, USA to LIVERPOOL …


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9, GE. Fresh, lightly hinged example.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale Red-brown Pl.1 (RK). Delightful used example cancelled by part numeral leaving a clear profile. Cat. £400.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep Chestnut Pl.11 (TC). Superb used cancelled by part c.d.s. for SP. 12. 72. Cat. £125+.


SG141Wi 1877 2½d. Rosy Mauve Pl.8 (EB). Watermark Orb Inverted. Superb used cancelled by part c.d.s. Very scarce so fine. Cat. £200.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue Pl.19 (IE). Unused o.g. with fine fresh appearance. Cat. £575.


SG143 1873 3d. “Deep” Rose Pl.11 (AG). Delightful used example cancelled by part duplex leaving a clear profile.


SG143 1874 3d. Rose Pl.14 (TE). Unused with small part o.g. good colour… Cat. £575.


SG144 1879 3d. Pale Rose Pl.20 (OA). Very fine unused large part o.g. example. Scarce plate. Cat. £850.


SG147 1874 6d. Grey. Pl.14. (GD). Very scarce usage. Cancelled soley by red ‘PD’ in oval.


SG153 1877 4d. Sage-green Pl.16 (II). Unused o.g. example with fresh colour. Cat. £1400.


SG157 1883 2 1/2d. Blue on printed Americal Exchange in Europe. Unusual with an entire letter from a son to his mother. A fine transatlantic item.


SG159 1883 3d. on 3d. Lilac Pl.21 (NG). Unused o.g. example. Cat. £650.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (AB). Superb used cancelled by a crisp LONDON c.d.s. for JU. 4. 83.


SG162 1883 6d. on 6d. Lilac Pl.18 (IA). Fine used cancelled by an inspectors mauve fancy “cork handstamp”. Most unusual.


SG17 & 20 1854 1d. Red-brown. Die I. SC. P.16 and 1854 2d. Pale Blue plate 4, IH-IL. SC. P.16.


SG17/ 42 1856 1d. Red-brown, KF, on neat uncreased envelope to Glasgow.


SG172 1899 1d. Lilac strip on RED advertising envelope, Portrush to Ontario, Canada.


SG173 1881 1d. Deep Purple. Die II. Unused o.g. example with a diagonal offset on reverse.


SG181 1884 5s. Crimson (CF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 11. Very fine unused o.g. example with fresh colour. Spec. K12t – Cat. £450.


SG183 1884 10s. Ultramarine (JF). White Paper. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Part o.g. example… fresh colour. Spec. K14s – Cat. £425.


SG187/196 1883-4 1/2 d. – 1s. Lilac & Green. Set of 10. Superb used examples all with c.d.s. handstamps. Cat. £1700+.


SG188 1884 1½d. Lilac (BG – CI). Superb unmounted o.g. block of six with fabulous fresh deep colour. Brilliant quality.


SG19 1854 2d. Blue Pl.4 (BI). Used example with a dramatic misplacement of perforations…


SG2 1840 1d. Black Pl.6 (LC). Exceptionally used example with good to huge margins and lovely neat red MC leaving a full clear profile.


SG2 1840 1d. Black plate 6, PJ… Very fine four margin example, neat red mc of Plympton sent to Modbury.


SG206 1892 4½d. Green and Carmine “Jubilee”. Superb used cancelled by a lovely crisp EASTBOURNE c.d.s. for DE. 29. 00.


SG208 1887 6d. Purple on Rose-red “Jubilee”. Die Proof. Cut to size – Printed in black on white glazed card in the accepted design. Scarce.


SG208 1887 6d. Purple on Rose-red “Jubilee”. Embossing Essays. Die Proof.


SG215 1901 Master Die for the ½d., 1d., 6d. plue 2½d. (with modifications) in black on glazed card, without markings.
