An exclusive listing for Virtual Stampex 2021

Showing 1–36 of 54 results

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1841 Postal Notice for the 2d. Stationery envelope with silk threads, overprinted with a large, red SPECIMEN.


1843 1d. Pink envelope. Very fine used from Dublin to Mullingar.


1844/ 46 1d. Pink envelopes from Edinburgh to i) Glasgow, ii) Arbroath.


1897 Diamond Jubilee. Commemorative 6d. Stamp. Die Proof.


1902 Security perfin ½d. wrapper, perfined “DLR” – De La Rue.


1902 Wrapper Die Proof with issued wrapper.


1912 KGV Unappropriated values, 2/6d. – £50 (10 values).


c.1890’s De La Rue “Minerva Head” die proof, uncleared surround.


c.1900 Community of Southampton Revenue stamp “Fine or Fee Stamp” in sheetlet of 9.


SG126 1867 5/- Die proof from the DLR archives.


SG17 1855 1d. Red-brown, alph II, die I, SC16 (KE) tied to cover by MILNGAVIE cds.


SG17/ 42 1864 Stunning Valentines envelope.


SG17/ SG42 1856 1d. cover to Edinburgh from Islay, double cancel of Scots Local BOWMORE VILLIGE.


SG194 1884 6d. Dull green SPECIMEN type 9, a superb marginal strip of 3 with excellent colour.


SG198 1½d. Jubilee IMPRIMATUR. Superb original gum.


SG2 1840 1d. Black, plate 1a, IK, used on small piece tied by “watery purple-red” maltese cross (Magenta!).


SG208 1887 6d. Jubilee IMPRIMATUR. Very fine, lightly hinged example.


SG21 1855 1d. Red-brown SC16, plate 3, die II, alph II, QI, on mourning envelope to South Molton.


SG213 1900 ½d. Blue green. Superb almost complete off-set on reverse.


SG215 1903 ½d. Blue-green pair, on cover to Caversham with Antigua despatch.


SG219 1902 1d. Scarlet on Picture Post Card of Port Said, addressed to SLIGO, Ireland.


SG219 1902 1d. Scarlet on very fine drawn envelope of an Ostrich.


SG219 1903 Ceylon Picture Post Card, addressed to England.


SG219 1907 1d. Scarlet on Picture Post Card to India with superb PAQUEBOT handstamp in black.


SG219 1916 (?) 1d. Scarlet control B corner pair on envelope, DANNEMARIE to PARIS.


SG220 1902 1d. Bright Scarlet used on “Waterlow Bros. & Leyton” printed invoice.


SG241 1911 USA to Leamington Spa, re-addressed to London.


SG242 1902 Combination franking. Redirected mourning envelope.


SG260 1902 2/6d. Lilac SPECIMEN type 16. Very fresh mounted mint, original gum example.


SG263 1902 5/- Bright carmine SPECIMEN type 16


SG266s 1902 £1 Dull blue green SPECIMEN type 16.


SG267 1911 ½d. Dull green on Picture Post Card of Main Street, Harwich.


SG281 1911 Harrison p15x14 1d. Rose carmine. Superb A11 block.


SG29 1856 1d. Red-brown, Die II, Alph III, LC14, plate 32, JC, on cover to Paisley.


SG33 1857 1d. Orange-brown, die II, alph III, LC14, DF, blue DALMELLINGTON cds.


SG351 1913 ½d. Green, Royal Cypher. Solid shading to left of “Halfpenny” (pl.36b, R. 20/1).
