Showing 1–36 of 126 results

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1842 1d. Mulready wrapper, A19, London to Basingstoke, cancelled contrary to regulations.


1879 Tender Essays by Perkins Bacon, engraved by Ridgeway.


1879 Tender Essays by Perkins Bacon, engraved by Ridgeway. ½d Pale green in die proof format.


1886 1d. Brown postcard to Belgium, superbly cancelled by the very scarce Charing Cross Hoster.


1886 1d. Pink with matching Advert ring of W & T Avery/ Birmingham, dated MY.10.86.


1893 2½d. Grey stationery envelope, A. G. Baylis advert ring in orange. Redditch to Vienna, Austria.


1913 Harrison and Sons, “Head ” Essay in buff. Brilliant unmounted booklet pane of 6, gummed with excellent perfs.


1924 Wembley Exhibition Letter Card, used on the First Day of Issue, April 23rd.


1936 Birmingham Cricket Ground – proof impression in violet, dated 2.JY.36.


1958 Tobacco Duty Relief Tokens. “Customs and Excise” booklet with 32 x 2s.4d Orange stamps. Unusual and scarce.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 10, TD. Very fine used, Gatehouse cds for JU.20.72. Rare plate.


SG103 1873 3d. Rose, plate 9, SC-TD. A superb used block, neat SWINDON cds’s.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (LA – MB). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray.


SG112 1872 10d. Red-brown, QD. Very fine used with a crisp RAMSGATE steel cds.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 5, AK. Superb used marginal example, showing large part plate number.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 5, EC. “Extended tail to 5 at right”. Very fine marginal example.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 6, JC. “Double plate number at left”. Superb used marginal example. Brighton cds.


SG117 1867 1/- green, plate 6, TK. Superb used showing current number 330 in margin.


SG121 1880 2s. Brown Pl.1 (TG). “SPECIMEN” Type 9.


SG122 1872 6d. Deep chestnut, plate 11. Superb used strip of 4, CI-CL.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut, plate 11, NF, figure “11” on left damaged. A sound used.


SG126 1867 5/- Rose, plate 1, EJ. Superb used, neat Newcastle on Tyne cds for JU.13.72.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3, FD-FF. Superb used strip of 3 on small piece.


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy mauve, plate 10, OK. Nice segmented cork type cancel.


SG142 1880 2 1/2d. Blue, plate 19 on neat cover to Basle, Switzerland.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue, plate 17, JE. Very fine used, neat 121 in oval cancel, in black.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue, plate 20, IB. Superb used, crisp 105 in oval cancel in black. Most unusual.


SG142 1880 2½d. Blue, plate 20, JK. Very fine used on piece. Fine Italian boxed transit handstamp. Very unusual.


SG147 1874 6d. Grey, plate 13, RC-RD. Superb used pair, cancelled contrary to regulations by a single FORT AUGUSTUS cds.


SG147 1878 6d. Grey, plate 16, PC. Vivid BLUE South Shields cds for SP.1.79. Excellent strike.


SG153 1877 4d. Sage-green Pl.16 (AE). Fine unused o.g. with fresh colour… Cat. £1400.


SG154 1880 4d. Grey-brown, plate 17 watermark large garter – partial dry print variety – foreign matter on plate when printing.


SG156 1876 8d. Die proof from the DLR archives, cut down and mounted in a frame.


SG156 1876 8d. Orange, vertical pair, SF-TF, misperforated from the T row, upwards with vertical perf misaligned due to a paper “ruck”.


SG156 1877 8d. Orange, SC, on cover, Hastings to Bombay, re-directed on arrival to Sawantwari.


SG157 1881 2½d. Blue, plate 22, HD-HE. Fine used pair with “killer cancels” neatly struck. Unusual.
