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1840 Gold Printed “Ladies” Envelope. Wonderful “miniature” envelope sent from GREENWICH to LINCOLN’S INN…


1844 1d. Pink Envelope (Huggins EP3b). Used from ROSS to CASTLECOMER and cancelled by the very rare and distinctive straight sided ROSS MALTESE CROSS in black.


1848 Charles Whiting Beaufort House Congreve Composite Essay.


1879 Tender Essays – Perkins Bacon Submission for the 1d. Value.


1887 William Lincoln, Stamp Dealer. A brilliant group of 8 advertising rings with values 1d. to 1/-. In superb condition.


1911 SG338/ SG341 1/2d. scarlet and SG329 1d. green “Reversed Colours”, colour trials on gummed wmkd paper


c.1900 Perkins Bacon Die Proof Paste-up. George IV “SPECIMEN” stamp.


c.1900 Perkins Bacon Essay. King George IV “SPECIMEN” Stamp.


MANCHESTER Spoon Handstamp. Stampless entire ordering Champagne addressed to RHEIMS paid “8d” in cash for the ¼oz. rate but no stamps were affixed…


SG103 1867 3d. Rose (deep shade) plate 8, TA-TB, brilliant used marginal plate number pair.


SG103 1867 3d. Rose, plate 6, EA. Very fine used, Shepley cds for NO.3.71.


SG103 1871 3d. Rose (SC – TD). Wmk. Spray.


SG103 1873 3d. Rose red pl. 10 GK. A fine used example of this rare plate.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve Pl.8 (CH). Without Hyphen. Superb fancy “zig-zag” cancel.


SG109 1869 6d. Mauve. Without Hyphen. Wmk Spray.(MA-NB).


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (SI). Without Hyphen. Wmk. Spray.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve, plate 9, GE. Fresh, lightly hinged example.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw, vertical pair, PJ-QJ, neat concentric ring cancel used by The British and Irish magnetic Telegraph Co.


SG112 1867 10d. Red-brown, AE-AH, superb used marginal strip of 4.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale red-brown, MB. Superb cds example, Valpariso cds for Mar.3.75.


SG113 1867 10d. Pale-red brown, AA, variety “small figures 1”. Superb used.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 4 (wmk Spray) superb used, neat RED cds.


SG117 1867 1s. Green.(KK).Wmk Spray. Pl.4.


SG117 1872 1/- Green, plate 5, PG-RH. Superb used marginal block of 6.


SG120 1867 2/- Pale blue, RH. Fine used with cds, plus a “zig-zag” errasure handstamp.


SG122a 1872 6d. Chestnut, plate 11, TA-TB. A brilliant cds corner pair showing plate number.


SG127 1867 5/- Pale rose, plate 2, EG. Superb used, crisp AYR cds for AU.3.1882.


SG131 1883 10/- Grey green on blued paper, superb used example, FF.


SG135 1883 10/- Grey-green on White paper, AA. Superb used example.


SG14 1841 2d. Blue, plate 3, MG-MJ, NORWICH maltese cross- rare strip of 4.


SG141 1876 2½d. Rosy Mauve.Pl.14 (GI). Wmk Orb. Very fine unused o.g. example, well centred, fresh colour


SG146 1874 6d. Grey, plate 15. Letter squares void.


SG146 1876 6d. Deep Grey (AB). Wmk Spray. Imprimatur. The unique “442” Current number piece.


SG147 1875 6d. Grey Pl.14 (KA).


SG147 1876 6d. Grey Pl.15 (CB). Wmk. Spray. Small neat uncreased envelope sent from the Scottish Borders town of SELKIRK “via New York” to BERMUDA


SG15 1841 2d. Deep Full Blue.(ND-NE) plate 3. Very fine used pair
