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1840 1d. Mulready letter sheet A76, to Ipswich.


1840 2d. Mulready envelope, a202, London to Bath, underpaid with circular “More to Pay” and m/s “4” (double the defficiency of 2d).


1848 Charles Whiting Beaufort House Congreve Essay.


1878 ½d. Brown postcard, cancelled by Vaile’s trial machine, Auckland, New Zealand- date dies for SE.2.74.


1884 National Telephone Company Ltd 1d. Grey black sheetlet of 12, unmounted.


1912 Multiple Cypher Watermark Paper. Overprinted with a single strike of the “SPECIMEN” Type 23 on gummed paper – unmounted.


c.1900 Minerva Head. D.L.R. Die Proof. Cut down proof on white glazed card.


c.1910 Harrison & Sons. Die Proof. Printed in black.


SG102 Proof 1871 3d. Die proof in black on glazed card, dated Nov.1.1871.


SG103 1873 3d. Rose, plate 10, BC. Superb used on small piece. Cracking strike of an inspectors mark? Neatly tying.


SG103 1873 3d. Rose, plate 5, underprint Copestake Moore Crampton & Co.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (BG). Fresh unused o.g. example with fine colour. Cat. £675.


SG109 1870 6d. Mauve Pl.9 (RL). Without Hyphen.


SG110 1867 9d. Straw Pl.4 (EC – ED). Fabulous used pair.


SG111 1867 9d. Pale straw, LC. A superb cds example. Neat upright Bedale cancel. Attractive.


SG112 1872 10d. Red-brown, QD. Very fine used with a crisp RAMSGATE steel cds.


SG117 1867 1/- Green, plate 5, TK. Superb used, marginal showing large part current number, “256”.


SG117 1867 1s. Green. Pl.5.(EC).Wmk Spray. Extended tail to 5 at right.


SG117 1871 1/- Deep green, plate 5, GA. Superb BLYTH cds (Northumberland)


SG123 1872 6d. Pale buff, plate 11, MA-NB. Superb and rare used block of 4.


SG123 1872 6d. Pale buff, plate 12, SC. A fresh mint, original gum example of this rare stamp, with good original colour.


SG128 1878 10s. Greenish-grey. Pl.1 (EC). Wmk Maltese Cross. De La Rue 1884 (6 Nov) OFFICIAL IMPERFORATE REPRODUCTION


SG141 1878 2½d. Rosy Mauve (GB). Wmk. Orb. Fresh unused o.g. example… Cat. £500.


SG144 1874 3d. Rose (FI). Wmk. Spray.


SG146 1874 6d. Deep Grey (HJ). Wmk Spray.


SG150 1873 1s. Green pl. 10, MB. Superb Malta cds dated October 1874.


SG151 1880 1/- Orange-brown, plate 13, KI (spray watermark). A cracking used example.


SG152 1876 4d. Pale Red-brown Pl.15 (DI – DJ). Wmk. Large Garter. Imperforate Colour Trial.


SG153, SG156 & SG48 1878 St. Andrews to New York, USA. Franked 1/ 1/2d.. (five times the 2 1/2d. letter rate).


SG154 1880 4d. Grey-brown Pl.17 (RB). Exceptionally fine used cancelled by a LIVERPOOL c.d.s. for DE. 11. 80. Cat. £1000+ with premium.


SG163 1881 1s. Orange-brown pl. 13, TJ.


SG166 1880 1d. Venetian-red (JB). COPESTAKE, MOORE, CRAMPTON, & CO., LONDON underprint. Fine used.


SG166 1880 Le Harve to London with 1d. Venetian red plus French 25c.


SG167 1880 1½d. Venetian Red. “SPECIMEN” Type 9. Superb unmounted o.g. block of nine. Spec. K4s – Cat. £720+.


SG169 1881 5d. Indigo. Very fine cds example- GUERNSEY?


SG17 1854 1d. Red-brown. Die I. SC. P.16. Entire from ALBANO, ITALY to Bridgewater, re-directed to London.
